Saturday, 19 July 2008

Windy Golf..

I can't believe I have just spent half an hour or even longer watching the golf on the television from Birkdale. it is sunny, and the rain kept off, but it is extremely windy, and it is causing real confusion on the course, with a lot of balls going off kilter. Ah will give them a challenge.
Had a really lovely meal last night, the little tarts, and the salad were delicious, and the cheesecake, raspberries and cream for pudding were sublime. it is a long time since I have had such gorgeous raspberries. from heredfordshire apparently, and the most beautiful rich red colour.No seedy bits, and full of flavour. Well done Waitrose, and only £1.99 too..excellent price.
Nothing much in the papers today, very quiet, and no news to speak of. The magazines full of the usual rubbish, with articles about summer clothing..that's a joke.
The little cats are asleep and quiet too. They appear at about 1.30 for their chicken treat, and Rusty hangs around for her bit of dip, then they about cupboard love..
Just shown a film on the news about the Pope's visit to Australia, and beautiful blue skies there..and it's their Winter. The world is going mad.
Tonight we are having:
Chinese, Spring Rolls,
Stir fry vegetables,
4oz Egg fried rice.

No pudding tonight..that was a real treat last night, and we have had a half a scone this afternoon with the rest of the raspberries and cream..Yum Yum...

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