Monday, 16 February 2009

Another New Place...

Just having a nice chat on the IM with our daughter in Manchester. She is off on a Monday so sometimes she is on the computer at the same time as I am.
She is now thinking of doing a probation Service course in Manchester, and is going to an open day tomorrow.
We went to a new place this morning, in Aintree. We noticed an advert for a new M&S in Aintree in the papers, so we took my money there. It is quite a big shop..bigger than I thought, with an upper floor too.Nice cafe as well.
Do have to say at this point that Everyone was coming out with nice expensive clothes..what do I come out with..a set of saucepans!!
I have been after a set for ages though so thoyught I'd treat us. My pans are oldish now and these look really good.
Bought our weekly vegetables there, so are set up for the things we need. More expensive but good quality.
Tonight we are having:
Broccoli and Cheese Escallopes
Mixed vegetables..chanterey carrots aand beans,
little baked potatoes 8oz.

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