Wednesday, 4 February 2009

Still Snowing..but Not Here..

We don't get much snow here on this coast. It has to be bad to snow in this area. I can only remember being snowed in once and no-one could get out of Hightown at all. We couldn't get to work that day, and after that the Authority said that anyone who couldn't get to work lost their pay! never happened again though.
The papers are full of schools closing, thousands all over the country, but none in Merseyside.
We nipped over to Ormskirk this morning for a bit of a look round. The centre was very quiet,a lot of the shops closed now..well three anyway,Woolies, a jewellery shop and the Ponden Mill shop. Some of these were quite big shops too so really make a difference. Didn't buy much today just a few bits and pieces.
Tonight we are having:
Quorn Minced beef pudding. I was going to have that last night but it was frozen, and it needed to be tonight.
Mashed potato and leek,
Last night in the end we had...Broccoli and cauliflower au gratin,
Saute potatoes in fry light,
Garlic Kievs. very tasty actually.

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