Tuesday, 17 February 2009

Day In Today

Spent the day in today. VT went over to do a bit of shopping. It is all very well doing a load of shopping at M&S but you can't get the basics there and there were a couple of things I forgot, like a bag of lettuce. So he went out for a bit of a look round, and I stayed in.
It really is a very quiet month this month, totally nothing doing. Had a good go on the computer today, there were a couple of sites I wanted to have a look at so it was a good opportunity to do that.
Jane rang up this afternoon, she had been to an open day at a place near where she works. She is considering doing a course which would take two years, and use the credits from the degree course she did a couple of years ago, and she would end up with a degree at the end + accreditation for youth work. That sounds more up her street, and would enable her to finish what she had started. Good on her..she will get there in the end.
Tonight we are having:
Goats Cheese and Butternut Squash Lasagne,
Mixed vegetables and a little bit of garlic bread.

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