Did a nice Hovis loaf this morning instead of the Sourdough we usually make. Then did the pizza dough to our usual recipe. VT decides which flour to use then the rest is the same as always. Roasted some vegetables, but only used courgette, red pepper for VT and some little tomatoes. Looked quite a nice mix actually. VT wanted a slightly different pizza today so he is doing a different topping.
Both of our crosswords were easy today, he finished his in record time and I finished mine a little later. Then he started the MOS one and did a whole load of those. I only had a few to do on the net.
Last night we watched "There Will be Blood" which we thought was very good actually. I can see why Daniel Day Lewis won the best actor award for that one. Quite a long film though, some would say too long, but we found it compelling.Well worth watching.
VT went out this morning and came back with some bits and pieces mainly cat food and honey. Also a little jar of Marmite for Rusty! She has a piece of toast every morning with some of my cheese spread on it and a scraping of Marmite. She will then take about five minutes to lick it off!
Last night we had:
Chinese Spring Rolls,
Egg fried rice and stir fry vegetables,
Plum and ginger sauce.
Tonight we are having:
Pizza with our tomato topping,
Pineapple, and vegetarian pepperoni type sausage,
Roasted courgette, tomato and red pepper,
Goat's cheese to finish and sliced mushrooms.
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