Sunday, 15 March 2009

Baking Beautiful bread.

Usual Sunday baking, but today we made a really beautiful loaf. I will get VT to take a picture of it before it gets cut into. Sometimes the loaves turn out reassonably nice but occasionally one turns out really well and the one today is lovely. Really well risen and fluffy looking, and the perfect colour. i am dying to cvut into this one to see what it will be like.
Also did our Pizza dough which is a light and silky dough too, with little flecks of herbs throughout the dough. I think sometimes it is the flour, today he used mainly white flour with some malted grain flour too, must be the right mix.
Last night was funny. we were getting the curry ready and the Dance celebrity programme was on the television. One of the dancers was Robert Webb who did a Flashdance routine clad in a Leotard! When he started he removed his cape, and VT looked at the screen and went "Phwoor"! I said I didn't know you were that way inclined..and he said "Why"? Then i told him it was Robert Webb! Really hilarious..his face was a picture! His excuse was he was looking from the other end of the kitchen!!
He did have gorgeous legs though!!!
The crosswords were easy today, hardly had to use the internet at all. All three of them were done without a problem.
Tonight we are having:
Pizza with our home made dough,
tomato sauce base,
Salad with avocado cucumber and baby yellow plum tomatoes,
potato salad and pesto and pasta salad.

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