Up fairly early today. I had an appointment at Fazackerley Hospital with the Dietician at 11.05. No problem with that except that the parking is dreadful. We were in a queue for about a quarter of an hour, and so eventually I left VT in the queue and I went off.
We left the house too early but the traffic was quite quiet so we called in at ASDA to get some Horlicks for me.
Story is..I have a small mug of Horlicks every night and have done for years and years and years. Well..I opened a new one last night and thought it had a weird smell, then when I tasted it at bedtime it was very definitely off. So for the first time in a long long time I went to bed Horlicksless. Not a happy bunny..couldn't sleep and I'm sure it was that. VT rang them up first thing this morning and they are sending a bag to send it back, and some vouchers to replace it. So OK, we called in at ASDA and bought another pack, and some wine 3 for £10.and a couple of other things. We were very quick, so we could keep the appointment.
I was only in with the dietician for a short while, and she didn't really say anything new, just repeated what the last girl had said. Boil the veggies, watch the coffee, and no salt.
Then we went to the new M&S in Aintree, which is a lovely shop. I had a bit of a look round while VT went to Halfords up the road! well each to their own! While he was away I bought a new watch! it's really nice with big numbers, and a good black watchstrap. I have had a watch from Past Times for an age, and it is beginning to look scruffy sohave been looking for another to reoplace it for ever. This is just right and I don't have to be careful with it. We had a lovely cup of coffee in there too, and bought a few things in the home dept. Mostly candles and some vegetables from downstairs.
So a good day today..did a lot.
Tonight we are having:
Sausage Rolls, 2 each..
Mashed Potato, Morrisons Finest,
Cauliflower and Broccoli with a cheese sauce topping.
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