Friday, 17 April 2009

Friday Again!

Don't Friday's come round quickly. One good point is that the children should be back at school again next Monday so things will be quieter.
Took my money off to Sainsbury's this morning. It was surprisingly quiet actually, we could get round very easily. We only went for the weekend thing but somehow ended up spending £72. Goodness knows what on.. we seemed to get some stock up items,and some impulse things too as usual.
VT says it is the growing season again, he says the weeds are growing like mad, and he is working at clearing them a bit at a time. The sun is shining this afternoon and the blossom on the trees is lovely at present. It is all green when you lok out of the window. He is working very hard on the garden, if someone could get rid of the spiders I could be inclined to go and help him.
Still waiting for my parcel from QVC, had thought it would have come by today really, wonder if it has gone astray. Like I said yesterday I seem fated with that product.I'll give it a few more days then I will get in touch with them.
Tonight we are having:
Fishless fingers,
Mushy peas for VT and green beans for moi.
Tartare sauce.

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