Sunday 19 April 2009

Sunday Makings..

Another nice day, quite sunny at the moment. We were really quick doing the crosswords today. VT had nearly finished the big MOS one and I only had to do three on the internet! Isn't he a clever boy! Mind you he does have a little machine with a Encyclopaedia Britannica function on it which helps. Funny how the mind goes blank at times though..there was one clue..The 44th President of the United States Of America..O-A-A..wouldn't be Obama would it! My one was tricky because it was states of America which was awkward till you got some of the letters. So they were all done by 5ish today.
Made a lovely Sourdough Oatmeal bread this morning, but was a bit disappointed with the starter which wasn't as bubbly as usual..still it has worked and made a lovely loaf. Then did a beautiful pizza dough which we have got off to perfection now, got the home made tomato sauce out, and roasted the vegetables for the toppings. So, a good morning's work today.
VT is sitting outside with a nice cup of tea and the papers. I have left him in charge of the bread, he is good at that.
Very sad to read in the "You" magazine of Liz Jones's cat Snoopy who has died. He has been frail for a long time now but in today's column that he has gone. She writes very movingly of the last hours, she is clearly a huge cat lover..and it made really sad reading. God Bless Snoopy..
Tonight we are having:
Pizza with tomato sauce, and Roasted Vegetables
Salad with Avocado and baby plum tomatoes
Potato Salad and CousCous for VT.

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