Sunday, 5 April 2009


Tired today..never really woke up. Had a good night's sleep too..just one of those days.
Made a lovely Sourdough loaf again today, and followed that with our pizza dough. Then did the roasted vegetables for said pizza so all organised.
Presently listening to the new Paul O'Grady show on Radio Two..and a good selection of music too. Just playing Josh Grogan You wake me up..very nice.
I like my music tuneful with someone with a decent voice. I like Neil Diamond, Andy Williams and even a bit of Amy Winehouse! she is a silly girl with the drugs and all but her music is good. We listen to Radio Two mostly, Ken Bruce in the morning and Steve Wright in the afternoon. Desmond Carrington on a Tuesday night VT records and we listen to that at the weekend with our lunch. He used to be on a Sunday and we still miss him.His selection of music is such a never know what you are going to get.
VT went out this morning for his mooch and came back with guess what..Cat Food!as ever. They're funny our cats..we (I) buy Whiskas and Felix and other expensive makes but he puts doen some he gets from the cheap shop and they wolf it down. They definitely have their preferences..som,e of the you put down and they sniff it and turmn away!! Fussy little beggars. We get some chicken breasts for their daily treat and sometimes that costs more than our food! Stupid really especially since we are confirmed vegetarians!
Tonight we are having:
Pizza with tomato sauce
Roasted Vegetables,
Goats cheese and mushroom
Salad with egg and potato avocado pear and baby plum tomatoes.
Potato salad and a rice salad for VT.

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