Sunday...We seemed to get back to normal yesterday, and i made one of my Sourdough oatmeal loaves. I have been nurturing my starter all week. it hasn't been used since before Christmas with all the illnesses etc., so it needed restarting. i had removed all but a quarter of a cup and got it going with the same measure of flour and bottled water. Had to do this all last week about six or so times till I got it bubbly again. Well, I used a cup of flour on Saturday night and it was lovely and bubbly yesterday morning so i decided to do the loaf again.

Haven't lost the touch, it made a beautiful Sourdough loaf which VT enjoyed for his breakfast this morning.
We did the crosswords in the afternoon (Sunday) but VT had had one too many glasses of wine with his lunch and was dopey, so the big MOS one took ages. Wine goes straight to his head and he he just goes sleepy, so when we were watching lark Rise he nods off and that was it for most of the evening. Never mind, we did get them done but they took for ever.
last night we had our Pizza with our sauce and Portobello mushrooms on top. We cut them very thinly and they seem to dry out when baked and were delicious.
monday..dawned a bit drizzly and grey. We were going into crosby to get our veggies, and then to the garden centre for our free coffees. this is one which is just over the bypass from where we live, but we don't go often it is too big. However in the free newspaper last week we got an insert which was an offer to join the garden club. You pay £10 but get a £5 voucher and twenty four free coffees a year. So we got into that. VT went and enrolled yesterday.It has completely changed since the last time I had been there..really big now with a terrific selection of gifts to browse round. the restaurant was very busy even on a drizzly monday morning. nice coffee in decent size mugs too and i had a good look round the gift shop after. very pleasant morning, and it gives us somewhere else to go.
Weather brrightened up considerably in the afternoon round about lunchtime, and VT is out at the front of the house installing the new overhead light. Since the one outside the back door had fallen off he had a look at the one in the front and that turned out to be the same. We didn't want it falling on the postman's head so he removed it and got a new one.
What is it with the moss this year? next door has a twee little front garden laid to cobbles and it is a mass of moss covering it, and our bay window is thick with it this year. Some bird somewhere is picking off the moss and dropping it all over our front garden. using it to line its nest I suppose.
The little mini daffodils are finally out in our barrel. They look lovely at the moment, "fluttering and dancing in the breeze" I feel a poem coming on!!
Tonight we are having:
Garlic kievs,
Sliced Potatoes sauteed in fry light,
Mixed veggies..mushroom sauce.