Wednesday, 31 March 2010

Up with the lark..

Up early this morning. We had to take little Rusty to the vets for a blood test and she had to be there by a quarter to nine. She couldn't have food from midnight last night either which meant that Bobby couldn't have any either. How do you tell a cat that there is no food down because the other one can't have any? Poor bobby was sitting on the food mat looking very bewildered. So, when we got Rusty in her basket VT ran back in the kitchen to feed Bobby, but she had disappeared, she obviously thought we were taking her as well!
poor Rusty tipped over twice in her basket in the back of the car, she is so light that she hasn't got the weight to keep the basket down, so I grabbed hold of her to keep her straight. They took her off for the blood test and brought her back in about ten minutes, the results will be phoned to us either tonight or tomorrow morning!!! When I ago for a blood test it takes two weeks!!! Cost £59 for the blood test and a small tube of antibiotic cream for her eye. She's worth it though.

We came home , had a baby cup of coffee and then went into Bootle to get the part for VT's car window. It has been an absolutely horrible morning , bitterly cold and very wet and rainy. All the ditches in the country roads are full, must have been raining all night by the looks of them. Snow up in Scotland, and in Northern Ireland, so \March is going out like a Lion it seems.
Went to the library on the way home, since we both wanted to change some books. VT was pleased because he got some brand new ones, and I got some I hadn't read before. Don't really like the refurbished library much, the shelves are all low down and you get a crick in the neck trying to see what is below the second shelf.

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