so he ordered the part from toyota and spent today putting it right. from what he was saying it was quite tricky, and would have cost at least two hours laboutr in a garage plus the fifty quid for the part. So the boy done well.
Quietish day here on the whole..rubbish post and nothing happening of note. VT took a load of stuff to the recycling baank, most of it packaging and jars etc, we seem to do a lot of recycling these days, wonder how we managed with the bins in the old days really.
The daffodils in the barrel look lovely in the sunshine this morning, nodding their little heads in the breeze. They last for ages too, then we take them up and put geraniums or something in for the summer months. VT came in and said the big planter at the end of the garden has broken too with the frost..really sorry about that, we have had it for donkey's years, and it has a large Spirea in it which comes up regularly each year. If that planter has gone there must be loads of others too. Shame.
Tonight we are having:
Pasta bake with 4oz of pasta asparagus and a jar of tomato and mascarpone sauce.
A little bit of garlic bread
and a creamed rice pudding.The last of the easter treats.
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