We nipped out to Formby this morning to get our veggies for the week, went to M&S for those. VT called in at Tescaw for some petrol first..£30 and goes nowhere, I remember the days when £5 would fill the tank!!!
Got a good selection of veg from M&S and a few deals as well. they had a good deal for a jar of Italian sauce, pack of pasta and two ciabatta loaves for £3. nice wholewheat pasta too.No coffee shop though it is only a ssmall simply food store, but they have a Per Una section at the back. Too expensive for me though, i get some of the items at the outlet store in Cheshire Oaks.
Little Rusty is still having her eye treated by VT, who very carefully puts the eye cream in twice a day. It is looking better too. He is really good at giving the tablets and creams etc., I think he should have been a scientist or a pharmacist. Distinct lack of opportunities for the likes of us eleven plus failures, you just didn't have the career paths open to you.
Today Gordon brown has declared an Election..suppose that will mean that we will be innundated with politivcal propoganda,May 6th can't come quickly enough, get it all over with. Suppose tories will win, and we will get the smart couple in Number 10. Tories back in crosby..I hope not!!
Tonight we are having:
Goats cheese and cranberry escalope,
Sliced potatoes in Fry light,
Mixed veggies
Cranberry sauce
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