Sunday, 11 April 2010


We always do our crosswords on a Sunday afternoon. There are three main ones, the Daily Mail You magazine one which I do, The Sunday Express General Knowledge one which VT does, and the Mail on Sunday Big general Knowledge one which we do together. Somethimes they are quite hard and sometimes not, today they were reasonable, with the more awkward clues having to be researched on the Computer. Ones like "The crying of Lot 49 author of for example..not a book I know. I am quite good on book ones and VT is very good on science ones and geographical ones. We make a fairly good mix I think.
The other thing I did today was to finish a letter to John and Ann, my brother and sister in law in Perth Australia. I tend to start a letter, and then add to it bit by bit for a number of weeks till I have enough in it to post. This one was 6 pages with all sorts of odds and sods of news happenings etc. I'm going to send Ann some books I have a set of, called the Hamish McBeth novels. Complete rubbish, but good fun to read, and a nice light read. So, today has been a wordy day.
Beautiful day today too, sun shining, and a real touch of everything growing now. Green shoots of recovery eh!VT went out to Crosby to get a few things, and he dug his light weight summer coat.He is looking for a new one, and is finding it hard to get what he wants, since a lot of them are padded and too warm. He used to get good jackets from Littlewoods but since they closed he has struggled. Even in The Cheshire Oaks, there are plenty of sports type shops and designer shops but nothing ordinary. It's quite hard for men I think, plenty of choice for women but I think the men are let down.
Tonight we are having:
Pizza as usual with our tomato sauce,
Pineapple, mushroom, a meatfree pepperoni,
Salad with potato salad for me and rice salad for VT.

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