Monday, 12 April 2010

Sunny Monday..

Nice day today, VT is at present in the garden getting rid of weeds . He says the dandelions are growing apace. Why is it that the weeds are so prevalent in a garden? They never seem to lessen no matter what you do.The daffodils at the front are nodding a bit, I don't think they will be hanging in for much longer.
We nipped into Crosby this morning to get the weeks veggies, and the hedges are definitely getting greener, and the fields have been ploughed so that is a good sign.

Little Bobby is sunbathing on top of the hut, not in it at the moment. She likes the garden in the sun and was out for ages yesterday, sitting on one of our chairs in a sunny spot.
Sainsbury's was really busy, but it is such a small shop. They didn't have enough checkouts open and I was on pins in case our half an hour free parking was gone. We were ok..just.
Tonight we are having:
Sliced fried potatoess in fry light,
carrots beans and broccoli.

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