By which I mean I got a directive from the tax Office to say they are taxing my Voluntary Contribution Pension that I have been receiving from The Prudential. They are deducting £15 off my measly amount of £77 !! Must admit I had a strop, till VT checked all my tax information and said that instead of all my tax being paid on my Teachers Pension, some of it is being taken off the AVC's instead. Why?? Beyond me.I don't understand any of the tax stuff..VT deals with all of that.Thank Goodness.
It really is a gorgeous Spring Day today, I am looking out of the window and all of the trees are in blossom. There is a square of land at the back of our garden and it is full of trees which are a lovely colour at the moment, pity they don't last, but very pretty at the moment. The cats love the sunshine, and Bobby in particular is usually to be found in a sunny spot somewhere outside. Our garden is nice for cats really, all the plant pots are sort of cat sized so they can go in and out of them easily. Bobby loves jumping out on poor little Rusty and surprising her.
We took my money to Waitrose this morning..we went posh again. It is a nice shop to go round though, and their veggies are tgood quality. We got some new Quorn Sausages too, with Branston Pickle in them, sound tasty. VT was pleased because he got some reduced vegetable pasties for Friday Night..doesn't take much to make him happy! Aaah Bless!
Jane has sent me an email today to say that she is sulking because we said Oh No when she rang up last night. Well she did ring at the very minute that VT had cut up our Pizza and we were just about to sit down and eat it. We asked her to ring back, but she is in a huff now. She is off for three some nice weather for it.
VT is in the garden at the moment, it is lovely out there but a bit bright for moi, I shall have to dig my hat and sunspecs out.
Tonight we are having:
A Big stuffed Portobello Mushroom..saw them in Waitrose this morning, the size of saucers.
I shall put some tomato in their bases then top with breadcrumbs and a bit of cheese.
Bubble and Squeak cakes to go with them.
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