This is the back of the house with the extension window that we have just made over.
VT has a pair of Clarks shoes that he has had for some time, and they are beautiful shoes. Good leather uppers, which he polished yesterday and put new laces in. So the tops look great. Trouble is the soles have a crack in them..not too bad but it won't get better. He decided to take them to the just about only Cobblers that we know of in Waterloo, which he did this morning.
The chap that used to own the shop has now retired and there is another man in there. VT had a chat with him, and he said that he could repair them for him for £19. Seems quite a lot, but bear in mind that they are good shoes and to replace them would cost about sixty quid now. So he was quite pleased, it means he will get a good pair of shoes for twenty pounds.
It seems fairly hard to get a cobbler these days, they all appear to have gone. I suppose people get rid of shoes when they get worn, and don't wal;k as much these days, we travel by car everywhere now. I can't remember the last time I had a pair of shoes mended, school shoes probably. There are going to be an awful lot of shoes with pointy tips and great big heels on the tips soon..can't see them lasting!
Jane rang up again this morning, a bit fed up again because she has had another letter from her solicitor, with the details about what the court requires. It all seems to be dragging on and needs to be finished off. She did say that the injections that she had the other day had helped her, so that is good.
VT went off on one of his mooches this morning, and said it was quite quiet. I should imagine it is one of the busy holiday weeks this week. The back to school adverts have already started in the papers and on television, all the supermarkets vying with each other to see who can produce the cheapest outfit. Must be an awful lot of factories in China turfing out school uniforms.
Tonight we are having:
With quorn mince, grated cheese, tomato salsa soured crea, and lettuce. Tasty.
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