Sunday, 1 August 2010

Out Of favour...

On friday afternoon, I typed in a page of my witterings, only to find that when I turned my back to turn something off EVERYTHING had disappeared except for the last line I had typed.! Totally disappeared. Gone into Cyberspaceand lost forever. No idea why that happened, I didn't press anything I shouldn't have, so where it went I have no idea. Total pain in the neck. It was of course the best blog I had ever written.
Yesterday we had an ordinary sort of day..didn't do much and had our usual Chinese for tea.
Sunday...Hares and's the first of August, and the sun is shing..well a bit anyway. We have done the bedding today, and hung it out on the line to dry. It seems to be blowing away nicely, so shouldn't need to be put into the dryer which is good. Did the crosswords this afternoon, the theme of mine was planets. I used to know a nmenomic for the nine planets but can't remember it now.
Something along the lines of..Men Very Easily Make Jugs Serve Useful Nocturnal Purposes
Quite a good one to remember them. VT did his one in record time and he said it was easy today. He only had two to get on the computer..both names.
He went into Crosby today to get a couple of things for the week. He said he was only ten minutes in Sainsbury's. he doesn't browse like I do. the idea is tomorrow he will get on with the decorating, I will do all the bed linen and get that out of the way.
Tonight we are having:
Pizza with our tomato sauce,
Fresh pineapple, mushrooms pepper for him . Goats cheese to top it off and fresh basil.
Potato and egg salad for both and
potato salad for moi and spinach and pesto salad for VT.

1 comment:

李家黃喬盈榮 said...
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