New hearing aids in both ears, at a cost of £1.895... Spent a lot on the old plastic debit card today, that plus £40 for petrol on the way and £40 in ASDA afterwards.
Fitting the aids is weird..they are attached via wires and a little tube down the ear, andthen Steve tunes them in. Nothing at first then a series of extremely loud booms and squeaks and rattles and whistles till you then get speech. Since he was softly spoken to start with , there was a difference I could get immediately. Vin was wsitting on my "bad" side and I could hear him on that too which is good. This is easier in the car when he is naturally on my bad side. When we are out walking he always walks on my good side so that I can hear his speech. These aids have a button that you press for various functions. You press the button and a womans voice says "One"..or "Two"..or "Three". Really odd takes some getting used to. I have a volume switch on these too for an extra boost.They will take some getting used to and will settle down also apparently, so I have a follow up appointment in two weeks time.
Went from there quickly into Sainsbury's to get a couple of things to spend the £5, then on to ASDA which is only minutes away. I like ASDA I always come out of there thinking that I have got good value for money. Took a top back that was to big, and spotted a very nice nightshirt in brushed cotton with long sleeves all cosy for the colder weather. Vin forgot his list but we remembered all of the things on it anyway.We are having Chinese tomorrow so it was things like stir fry etc.,We have it off to a fine art in there..I walk round with the trolley and Vin goes off to collect things! Tannoy quite noisy today..I wonder why??
Moved down the car park to a quieter spot and had our coffee. ASDA sell a really lovely vanilla milk which is gorgeous in coffee. Normally I have my coffee black, but the vanilla milk is lovely. We sit there in the sun with our flask, coffee and biscuit and it is really pleasant. Pity there isn't a nice view though..HaHa.
Pumpkins Anyone?
Tonight we are having:
Fishless fingers and Chips..200grms worth
Mushy peas for Vin and green beans for moi
Tartare sauce.
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