Vin spent quite a lot of time yesterday setting things up, and he has got most of what we had on the last one. Thankfully the AOL is the same, so all my favourites etc haven't changed.Our old computer hasn't produced anything at all, and the man who was looking at it rang today to say that he couldn't retreive anything off the hard's totally kaput. The one thing that I was most annoyed about was losing the letter to John and Ann which I had been writing since August!.They are going to think that I am very rude not replying to their last letter and present etc., but couldn't be helped.
Funnily enough on QVC last night the "Today's Special Value" is a one click system that saves all of these problems, so I have ordered that, and since it works on both this computer and the Netbook it seems a good buy.
We were up early this morning because I had an appointment at the Hearing Aid centre in Southport. It was a check up after two weeks of using my new ones. Nothing much to report actually, other than I am very pleased with them. I think Vin is finding that the television isn't so loud, and I don't think that I am saying "What" to him so often. The poor man has spent so long repeating things that he has said I am amazed he has any patience left.
We parked in Sainsbury's so popped in there afterwards for a few things so we got the parking free, then we went over to ASDA which is only a few minutes away. Very quiet, still quite early I suppose. Vin wanted to have a look at their glasses so I had a look at clothing and the books. Didn't see anything at all that I fancied, and Vin caught me up to say that he wasn't impressed with the glasses. he has had glasses from there before, and thought they were quite good. I got one pair and didn't..mine were quite flimsy and the eye test wasn't up to much. Soon went back to Specsavers. My new glsses from there are great now the arms have been altered a bit, and the reactions lenses are great.
Went round and got our weekend things, plus some other stuff as we always do, and had our coffees in their car park out of the way.
This is by way of being an experiment since I haven't posted a photo on this yet..but it seems to have worked just fine!
Tonight we are having:
Fishless fingers and tartare sauce
Chips 200grms between us,
mushy peas for Vin and green beans for moi.
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