Thursday, 20 October 2011

R.I.P. Poor Little Computer!

Today weheard the tragic news that my computer could not be repaired. it had been in the computer hospital with a little man for a couple of days, but he rang Vin up this morning to tell us that is was beyond repair, or it would cost an arm and a leg to get spares. In his opinion it wasn't worth it. So it has gone to the great computer heaven or wherever they end up. The only thing that I was a lot sad about was that I was in the process of writing a long letter to John and Ann in Australia , it was about six pages of typing, and that has gone .. Bother or words to that effect! I shall have to restart that one..God knows what was in it as well. Never mind, worse things happen at sea or so they say.
So, this afternoon we went over to the P C World in Aintree and bought a new one. This is a hewlett Packhard "Pavillion" and is so fast I am amazed at its speed. We have bought all our computers from there, the first one we bought for Jane when she was doing her exams, and cost £1500 ! The second was more for me when I retired and cost about £600 plus a lot extra for a warranty, This one cost £500..Is loads faster, has more of everything and is a much better computer. So welcome to the house new computer.
This is a short and quick note today because I am trying it out.
Tonight we had:
Linda McCartney red onion and cheese plait,
Roasted butternut squash and sweet potato.

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