Tuesday, 25 October 2011

Ooops nearly forgot...

Nearly forgot to do this, and I've been on here a lot today. out of the way really, because Vin has been in the loft most of the day doing the insulation. he has nearly finished it, and says that he has to do fiddly bits now. It's lovely stuff, bright orange on one side, and a soft foil on the other. he says it is made in St. helens, from recycled glass bottles, which is good. He went out this morning to get another four rolls. he seems to think that he has enough now, but might need another one.
I have been on here most of the day doing a letter to John and Ann to replace the one that was lost on the crashed computer. The one click hard drive save arrived this morning so that will solve the problem of losing things in future we hope. It has been quite difficult trying to think of what I had put on the original one, so I think I have mostly written chatty rubbish. Never mind.
Jane rang up before and said she has got a bit of a block of time over Christmas so she might come home. That will be a wonder, she hasn't been home in an age. I think the cats will have forgotten what she looks like!
Vin has just had a nice bath he says, and the bath water was filthy..from all the dust up there. Well Done again Mr. Fixit.
They have just said on the News that a two week old baby had been recovered from the earthquake in Turkey, and the Mother and grandmother. little miracle there.
Tonight we are having:
Pasta with a Spinach and ricotta Sauce,
A bit of garlic bread
Some parmesan cheese.

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