Wednesday 25 April 2018

A Medical Day !

 An appointment at the podiatry clinic for two o'clock so the day revolved round that.  We enjoyed an earlyish coffee and a biscuit at around twelve and then up to get ready. We planned to leave at about twenty past one and we left about twenty five past. so that was good  Very warm today so put my thinner coat on for the first time this year. Lovely and sunny so tried my new sunglasses on too, great fit. They go over your normal glasses and quite stylish too so thankyou QVC. 
Only waited a few minutes and then called in for podiatry. I had an appointment with the orthotist too but they combined both ones so we didn't have to hang around my original one with Ashley was for twelve thirty and that would have meant hanging around till two. They are relly good at doing that. Lovely girls. Saw Asley and  she had my revised slippers, so when the feet are healed I can start using those without getting blisters or sores.  When we were finished there we were going to go home but I got a phone call last week to get a blood test done, and rather than go back again or leave it till next week, Vin said we would get it done today. From the podiatry we went to the elective centre and got that over with.  Then home !
Late lunch but we had had a nice yogurt and packet of crisps so not too filling, room for our bigger coffee later and our cream cake!! 
I don't think little Jessie had moved since we left home. Vin was looking at a black and white in the Daily Mail who can stand on its legs and walk. He reckons he is going to train our one to do that. Hmmm ! Somehow I don't think so . 
She loves reclining too much ! 

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