Friday 6 April 2018

Hot and Cold!

Talking about the weather like we always do in this country. Not surprising really because you never really know for certain where you are. yesterday it was gorgeous, wall to wall sunshine and quite warm in the car anyway. Today it is dull, grey and looking like rain and quite cold too. In fact it is just beginning to rain now as I type this.   We stayed in today because we were out yesterday so in today. He likes to keep his cat  company anyway. 
One phone call today from Bullens  the healthcare people. Took my order for delivery and which will be next Thursday.  Also waiting for a delivery from Amazon which is expected maybe Tuesday so next week will be a week of deliveries. 
Jessie woke Vin up  quite early again, it seems to be a little pattern she has got into. She jumps up on the bed and crawls up him and then he says she tickles his cheek very gently until he gets up. He has tried pulling the covers up but that doesn't work, and she carries on tickling him. Trouble is once he is awake that is it, he rarely goes to sleep again, so he has a cup of tea or whatever and a bit of a look on the computer etc., then we get our coffee later. 
Having a little conversation! he is always talking to her, and you can hear him chatting away to her in the kitchen.  He does talk to me as well I might say at this point!

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