Monday 23 April 2018

St Georges Day !

Today it is  St Georges Day, April 23rd., not that you would notice.
Nothing special on the box, not like St Patrick's Day or the Welsh one or the Scottish one. Nobody seems to be bothered about poor old St., George. It is also the anniversary of Shakespeare's death and birth too for that matter. It is the anniversary of my Dad's death too in 1973 about 45 years ago. 
The other bit of news today is the birth of the Duke and Duchesses third baby at eleven o'clock this morning. So the news is full of that, and now the speculation about what the name is going to be. At least it won't be George because they already have one !. 
Woke up this morning to a dullish day and it is quite cool. We weren't going out today because we are out tomorrow, and wednesday, so I had a lovely shower instead!  Vin has stripped the bed as well  so we are all nice and clean for tonight. !!!
The little cat came up last night for a cuddle before bedtime with her daddy, she stays for a little while and then jumps off when she has had enough. Again this morning to wake him up so he goes and feeds her then comes back to the warmth of his bed. 
She isn't going out today because it is much duller just stopping in her basket.
Filling the basket. She is a big girl though!

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