Tuesday 24 April 2018


Up at a reasonable time this morning because we had an appointment over the way at the surgery for a health review with the nurse. I tried to get out of , I did, but they weren't having any of it so it was 11.10 today. As usual we got there early so had to wait a few minutes. Then a dinky little ding dong on the television screen gave my name and i went in to see nursey. Very nice woman who did the weight...the same... my height and  blood pressure , asked a few questions about statins and that was about it. She said normally she would do feet, but because they are in bandages and I am also going to podiatry tomorrow that was it. In fact a bit of wasted time really. never mind!
Started drizzling just as we  were leaving and we had decided to go to get a Costa   in Formby so we carried on there.  We haven't been there for ages, in fact i don't think we have been there this year. Vin had a Soya latte with caramel and I had a small skinny latte very nice too. It was actually very quiet today with spaces everywhere so we got one of our favourite seats which was good. When we were nearly finished Vin went off to get a few veggies and left me with the Echo to look at while he went. Can't believe it is 80p don't think it is worth that, it is more like a magazine now,not many news articles but more mixed articles. I suppose they can't compete wit the internet. 
Home by one  and it was getting quite wet then. No sign of the cat, but she had been up earlier.She plonked herself on Vins front then when he got up for a shave she moved to the middle of the bed and looked like she was going to settle, but when he went to the bathroom she soon followed him !
Postman Pat and his black and white cat!!! 

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