Tuesday, 2 February 2010

Change of Plans...

We had decided last night that we would go out to ormskirk today. What happened in the end was that we awoke this morning to a very grey sky, full of drizzly rain, and a fair breeze blowing. So VT went down and got our coffee and biscuit and we had a bit longer in bed! In fact the rain got steadily worse and we would have got quite wet I think.
The trouble with Ormskirk is it is a quite exposed place with some very chilly areas, and not pleasant in the rain. We can go again, maybe Friday for the shopping,and we can have a good look round then. The weather is forecast for mucky weather all week though so not hopeful.
VT has just come up and said there were floods in Florida! I was quite surprised by this. I shouldn't think the houses there would stand up to much flooding, they are very lightly built, mostly of wood so would be destroyed.
So, we stayed in today, cleared out the fridge and sorted a big pile of magazines and bits and pieces. Had a lovely cup of VT's coffee so saved £5 and didn't spend anything.
Happy birthday John by the way..my brother in Perth Australia , my big brother. Haven't seen them since 1966 when they emigrated for the second time, this time for good. they will be sweltering in 35+ degree temperatures there. Probably having a barbecue?
Tonight we are having:
Quorn beef and Ale pudding,
potato Croquettes
Peas and Sweetcorn?

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