A really nasty grey and rainy day today. The little cats go out for a few minutes then come back into the warmth pretty quickly. They know which side their bread is buttered on.
We nipped out to Waitrose in Formby this morning for ourweekend things, expecting the car park to be busy, but in actual fact it was quite quiet and we were able to park near the front. The shop however was quite busy, but it is a nice shop with plenty of room to move around. In terms of shopping experiencces Waitrose do score quite highly..pity the same can't be said for their prices!
You know you are paying top whack for everything, and your shopping bill is going to be much higher than if you went to Asda. Does make a change though.
Little Bobby, or should I say big Bobby was walking all over me last night, or early this morning..properly woke me up. She curled herself up round my head somehow, and was purring in my ear. Now I am as deaf as a post, but it is surprising how noisy a cat's purr can be when it is going like anenginge in my good ear. Never mind though, I haven't the heart to move her, and she was so comfy.
The big Spring Clean goes on apace.. the house looks lovely, at least tidy and clean, with a smell of polish and Flash cleaner everywhere. Not a good idea to open any cupboards though it all might fall out. I said to VT where have you put all your things, and he said" I have a list!!!" That means by Monday it will all be back again. We generally have a big clean up just before we go on holiday, and I think the cats are getting worried, the only thing is we aren't getting suitcases out.
VT is presently dusting my black and white wall. he says I keep missing bits. This is a wall on our landing which is a whole wall of black and white pictures and photographs which we collected over a few years till we got it the size we wanted. Now we don't need any more so we don't bother. I can remember where most of them came from, and it was a lovely thing to do at the time. All the frames are either black or the clear postcard type ones, and everything fits together beautifully. Of all the things in the house it is the one feature I most like.
I think most everywhere is done now, and at least it will all be nice and clean for Spring. I've even put my L'Occitane soaps in the bathroom for show!!
Tonight we are having:
Pasties from Waitrose..hand made vegetable ones. Nice and simple so we can finish off.
And...a Clotted cream rice pudding as a little treat to ourselves. Now we very rarely have puddings so this is a treat!
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