Tuesday, 23 February 2010

A Cool Clean

Still cold today, and we stayed in to get some Spring cleaning done. We are expecting a visit from a one time neighbour from years ago on Saturday, so are sprucing the place up a bit. Getting rid of the vcestages of Winter clutter. Actually, it is amazing how much you accumulate in a house after 36 years of marriage. I was saying to VT at lunch time that you change over the years, and so your belongings change. We tend to keep things in a cupboard and there they stay for ever, till you decide that is long enough.
VT spent quite a lot of time this morning clearing out the extension which has been dusted and polished. It is surprising how much dust accumulates on brickwork, which we have in there. We did the lamp, and the vase and the wine rack, and the shelf in the middle room with the ornaments on, so all is looking lovely now.
As I type this it is snowing again, but very lightly, and it won't stick I don't think. VT has been over recycling again, and says it is very cold.
I used to know the visitor when I was young, he was two years older than me, and went to the Grammar school. From teacher training college he went on eventually to become a Professor in Texas University, and a well known academic in his field. I don't think we have ever had a Professor in the house before! it will be nice to catch up.
VT had some quorn sausage rolls for his lunch, but I had an egg salad! absolutely freezing..can't think why I fancied that! I do love salads, but not really in the middle of Winter!
Tonight we are having:
Goats cheese and cranberry escalope.
Mashed potato,
Mushrooms with hollandaise sauce,
Green beans and broccoli.

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