We seem to be getting back into our nice comfortable routine again now. Not that we are getting up early, our bed is too warm and comfortable to get out of! one of the pleasures of being retired is that you don't have to get up at some ungodly hour in the morning..in the dark..to go out to work. It's lovely . It is cold today too, the forecast was for sleety showers which we haven't had, but it has rained, and VT said it was very cold when he went out. In some ways February can be a colder month than January, but the little snowdrops are poking their heads above the soil for a little touch of Spring. VT says a lot of the plant pots have been frost damaged this year, so some will have to go. Mind you we have too many really.
Tonight we are having:
Escalope or a garlic kiev,
Potatoes to use up from the fridge,
Carrots and green beans
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