What a truly grey day it is too. A bit misty and very grey everywhere. We dicided to stay in today since we got a lot of the weekend things yesterday. i bet the shops are heaving today too, they were bad enough yesterday.
I did all the ironing this morning while VT did his recycling and attended to the little ginger cat next door. It flew out of the door when he went in, but by lunchtime it was sitting on the pharmacy wall over the road from us. he says it knows his voice, and when he went up to get changed at lunchtime he looked out of the window and it came over to him. He said she sat on the front garden and miaowed when he opened to door, so he went and let it in to their house. Aaaah! It is a lovely little cat, but it really needs a cat flap. I suppose it is difficult when it is a rented house you can't just go putting cat flaps in.
Very sad case in the news all over Christmas of a landscape architect from Bristol who went missing on Dec 19th. Her distraught parents on the television and boyfriend who had been in Sheffield but came back to find her missing. Body found on Christmas Day and they have now arrested the landlord of the builoding. We await the resusts of that. Such a terrible thing to happen and dreadful for the parents friends and family. There is a picture that they use qyuite a lot of her holding her cat Bernardd...just a lovely normal girl smiling and happy. Dreadful.
Tonight we are having:
Fishless fingers
Mixed veg for moi and mushy peas for VT
Chips..a treat..200 grms.
And a Happy New Year to Everyone..
Friday, 31 December 2010
Thursday, 30 December 2010
Busy busy...
gOSH, i THINK HE WORLD AND HIS WIFE WAS OUT TODAY! wE HAD TO GO OUT TO GET SOME VEGETABLES FOR THE NEXT COUPLE OF DAYS, AND OUR WEEKEND THINGS TOO. sO, WE WENT INTO fORMBY TO THE wAITROSE.rEALLY LUCKILY, AS WE WERE DRIVING INTO THE CAR PARK, A CAR WAS PULLING OUT SO WE PARKED VERY EASILY IN THE END. hAD A BIT OF A WALK INTO THE VILLAGE AND vt WENT TO A COUPLE OF THE CHARITY SHOPS TO LOOK AT BOOKS, WHILE i WENT INTO sUPERDRUG.Just noticed that I have used capitals to type all this so far..but I can't be bothered to change it all so am leaving it. The reason is that little Rusty had jumped on my knee, and I was typing round her which is incredibly difficult. So it's Rusty's fault.
When we went into Waitrose it was heaving today. Usually it is a quietish sort of shop and you can get round easily, but today it was so different. I said to VT I'll treat you to a cup of coffee, I knew that if I said Do you want a coffee he would say, No it's too expensive. So he had no choice. He came back with a Cafetiere for two which was really nice actually, I got a good cup and he got two out of it, so he was well pleased. Had a good look round and got a lot of things for the weekend.
Came home to two little cats eagerly awaiting their chicken they aint soft.
The little ginger girl from next door he let out earlier this morning...it runs out as soon as he opens the door and then sits on various walls and comes round the back of the house as well. he has just gone to let it in again now actually, it can be a little bit naughty, and plays games. It didn't go out much while the snow was bad though, so she is probably suffering from cabin fever.
The surgery rang before lunch to say that the blood test that I had yesterday was bettera, and I am to have another one next week. They are on the ball there..i am very impressed.
Tonight we are having:
Pasta with a spinach and ricotta sauce.
Asparagus and carrots and broccoli.
When we went into Waitrose it was heaving today. Usually it is a quietish sort of shop and you can get round easily, but today it was so different. I said to VT I'll treat you to a cup of coffee, I knew that if I said Do you want a coffee he would say, No it's too expensive. So he had no choice. He came back with a Cafetiere for two which was really nice actually, I got a good cup and he got two out of it, so he was well pleased. Had a good look round and got a lot of things for the weekend.
Came home to two little cats eagerly awaiting their chicken they aint soft.
The little ginger girl from next door he let out earlier this morning...it runs out as soon as he opens the door and then sits on various walls and comes round the back of the house as well. he has just gone to let it in again now actually, it can be a little bit naughty, and plays games. It didn't go out much while the snow was bad though, so she is probably suffering from cabin fever.
The surgery rang before lunch to say that the blood test that I had yesterday was bettera, and I am to have another one next week. They are on the ball there..i am very impressed.
Tonight we are having:
Pasta with a spinach and ricotta sauce.
Asparagus and carrots and broccoli.
Wednesday, 29 December 2010
Back to Normal...
Everyone seems to be back to their normal routines today. All the shops are open, and the Pharmacy over the road, and the dentist next door but one. Even the little bus that serves the village is up and running again. That had been stopped when the great snows fell, it was too dangerous to run in the icy conditions.
All the snow has all but gone now, just bits lying around on the garden edges and thefields. Still icy patches on the pavements though, I had an early appointment over at the new surgery for a blood test and it was qquite slippery over there. Blood pressure has gone down thoughso that is good news anyway, the new tablets must be doing something.
Had a telephone conversation with a girl from Hotter shoes, just as we were about to go out of the door. I ordered a pair of short boots from them before the end of November and they were dispatched on the 7th Dec aopparently. She was most apologetic, and said that they would send another pair out straight away. What a good firm that is, never had any trouble with them, and their shoes are terrific. Pity the boots didn't arrive before the snows though, but that isn't their fault..blame the Post Office.
Another telephone consultation with a nurse from Aintree this morning too, bang on time as well, the letter said 10.45 and she rang up dead on time. Went through what the problem was and said she would contact me further.
VT is a busy boy today,looking after the little ginger girl next door, who does not have a name by the way, he opened the door, and he said that she flew aout of the door past him. She must be suffering from cabin fever and wanting to get some fresh air. He had some of his errands to do round and about and by mid afternoon it was in the front garden waiting to go in again. It knows which side of the bread is buttered that one!
Our two are still not going out much, and prefer to stay in the warm..smart animals cats are.
Tonight we are having:
Freezer fodder..
Tomato and Mozzarella escalopes
Potato Croquettes
a small tin of spaghetti hoops.
All the snow has all but gone now, just bits lying around on the garden edges and thefields. Still icy patches on the pavements though, I had an early appointment over at the new surgery for a blood test and it was qquite slippery over there. Blood pressure has gone down thoughso that is good news anyway, the new tablets must be doing something.
Had a telephone conversation with a girl from Hotter shoes, just as we were about to go out of the door. I ordered a pair of short boots from them before the end of November and they were dispatched on the 7th Dec aopparently. She was most apologetic, and said that they would send another pair out straight away. What a good firm that is, never had any trouble with them, and their shoes are terrific. Pity the boots didn't arrive before the snows though, but that isn't their fault..blame the Post Office.
Another telephone consultation with a nurse from Aintree this morning too, bang on time as well, the letter said 10.45 and she rang up dead on time. Went through what the problem was and said she would contact me further.
VT is a busy boy today,looking after the little ginger girl next door, who does not have a name by the way, he opened the door, and he said that she flew aout of the door past him. She must be suffering from cabin fever and wanting to get some fresh air. He had some of his errands to do round and about and by mid afternoon it was in the front garden waiting to go in again. It knows which side of the bread is buttered that one!
Our two are still not going out much, and prefer to stay in the warm..smart animals cats are.
Tonight we are having:
Freezer fodder..
Tomato and Mozzarella escalopes
Potato Croquettes
a small tin of spaghetti hoops.
Tuesday, 28 December 2010
Snow Gone!!
We woke up yesterday morning to find that the snow was thawing quite rapidly. it was d5ripping down from the roofs and bushes and the back garden was showing signs of the pats etc., The pavements are still a bit slippy because of the icy chunks and people are still walking in the middle of the road for preference because that is clear. Trouble is, everywhere looks dirty and brown and drab now and it looks awful. The snow does make everywhere look so pretty. At least I can see my Buddah in the garden now with his lovely smiling face, he has been totally covered in snow for about nine days now.
VT has been looking after the little ginger girl cat next door since Christmas Eve, and she has not moved from the house at all. he said she won't come down but was eating ok. She has been sitting on their bedroom windowsill..must be warm up there.
Christmas and Boxing days were quiet as usual in our house, We had a nice Christmas dinner of a Chicken style roast with all of the trimmi ngs, and my Hazelnut gateau in lieu of a Christmas pudding.
Boxing day we had a Dr Ottker pizza with our salads followed by another slice of gateau. Will put pictures up when VT loads them onto the site. There are some lovely ones of the cats with their presents, a new collar each and a new tag. Bobby was very interested in the wrapping paper...just l;ike children!! I think VT liked his earphones...but it is difficult to tell with him.
We decidid to go out this morning over to the garden centre in Ince. The added attraction was the free December coffee, and I wanted to have a look at the Christmas things suspecting they were on sale. They were everything half price, so I got some beautiful boxed cards , then we had our coffee. Vt wanted another look for candles so we had another browse later. he got a lovely large Colony candle, Mulberry and clove which smells really nice, and I saw some dangly Christmas ornaments that will be great for next year's parcels. Really pleased with them.
VT had gone next door ear;ier when he went for the papers, and he said as soon as he opened the door the little ginger girl ran out. This is the first time she has been out since the went away. However, when we were going out he saw her in the other side's garden, and it came running to him, so he went and opened the door and it ran in. Had enough I think..smart animal that one.
Tonight we are having:
A nice normal tea...
Toad in the hole with quorn cumberland sausages,
VT has been looking after the little ginger girl cat next door since Christmas Eve, and she has not moved from the house at all. he said she won't come down but was eating ok. She has been sitting on their bedroom windowsill..must be warm up there.
Christmas and Boxing days were quiet as usual in our house, We had a nice Christmas dinner of a Chicken style roast with all of the trimmi ngs, and my Hazelnut gateau in lieu of a Christmas pudding.
Boxing day we had a Dr Ottker pizza with our salads followed by another slice of gateau. Will put pictures up when VT loads them onto the site. There are some lovely ones of the cats with their presents, a new collar each and a new tag. Bobby was very interested in the wrapping paper...just l;ike children!! I think VT liked his earphones...but it is difficult to tell with him.
We decidid to go out this morning over to the garden centre in Ince. The added attraction was the free December coffee, and I wanted to have a look at the Christmas things suspecting they were on sale. They were everything half price, so I got some beautiful boxed cards , then we had our coffee. Vt wanted another look for candles so we had another browse later. he got a lovely large Colony candle, Mulberry and clove which smells really nice, and I saw some dangly Christmas ornaments that will be great for next year's parcels. Really pleased with them.
VT had gone next door ear;ier when he went for the papers, and he said as soon as he opened the door the little ginger girl ran out. This is the first time she has been out since the went away. However, when we were going out he saw her in the other side's garden, and it came running to him, so he went and opened the door and it ran in. Had enough I think..smart animal that one.
Tonight we are having:
A nice normal tea...
Toad in the hole with quorn cumberland sausages,
Saturday, 25 December 2010
Happy Christmas Day Everyone... Friends Family and all little cats everywhere!
Christmas Day dawned with no sign of the snow melting at all. It is still stuck fast to the shrubs and hedges and trees and isn't shifting at all. but there we go it is a White Christmas after all.
Bit of a disaster day in the end. The Dr from the new surgery rang yesterday and told me to stop one tablet altogether, and take fouble of anotherone. So I did that this morning...big mistake..Light headed like you wouldn't believe and ringing in the ears.. started about half an hour after taking the new tablet which is a blood pressure one.
I had our hazelnut meringue cake to do and the meal things to get sorted. VT came up trumps againg.. I gave him instructions and he did them.This is our Christmas pudding so had to be done and he was really good, did everything right too. Made a very good job of it. For our Christmas meal we had:
Chicken style roast with gravy , stuffing and cranberry sauce,
Carrots roasted with honey and cranberries
parsnipos glazed with maple syrup
Sweet chestnuts with a shallot butter..cheated with these they were Waitrose and reduced.
Roast potatoes with garlic and rosemary,Bread sauce..
And a lovely meal it was too..
I will post some pictures when VT puts them on the site.
Bit of a disaster day in the end. The Dr from the new surgery rang yesterday and told me to stop one tablet altogether, and take fouble of anotherone. So I did that this morning...big mistake..Light headed like you wouldn't believe and ringing in the ears.. started about half an hour after taking the new tablet which is a blood pressure one.
I had our hazelnut meringue cake to do and the meal things to get sorted. VT came up trumps againg.. I gave him instructions and he did them.This is our Christmas pudding so had to be done and he was really good, did everything right too. Made a very good job of it. For our Christmas meal we had:
Chicken style roast with gravy , stuffing and cranberry sauce,
Carrots roasted with honey and cranberries
parsnipos glazed with maple syrup
Sweet chestnuts with a shallot butter..cheated with these they were Waitrose and reduced.
Roast potatoes with garlic and rosemary,Bread sauce..
And a lovely meal it was too..
I will post some pictures when VT puts them on the site.
Friday, 24 December 2010
Twas The Night before Christmas...
Well if we haven't got it now we will never have it..
We have a freezer full, and a fridge with all we need,and a box upstairs with treats in it. Probably enough to last till Easter..No I'm only kidding!
The surgery rang up this morning yet again.. Gosh they are on the ball over there. I still have a high potassium level..whatever that does, so have to stop one drug. and take double of another one. one day my son they will get it right!
Next doors have gone away, and VT is looking after Ginger Girl who must be suffering from cabin fever by now poor little thing. This is a cat that is used to being put out in the morning and sometimes comes in at night, but with our terrible snow it has been holed up indoors. At least they have left their heating on low so she will be warm.
Neighbours the other side have just come back from Avimore...must be mad..they could have had the snow here! and one of them has come bck to a cold house because their boiler has broken. Christmas Eve..wouldn't you know it. I think they are programmed..I do..
Tonight we are having:
Veggie sausage roklls
Chips...a real treat..200 grms.
We have a freezer full, and a fridge with all we need,and a box upstairs with treats in it. Probably enough to last till Easter..No I'm only kidding!
The surgery rang up this morning yet again.. Gosh they are on the ball over there. I still have a high potassium level..whatever that does, so have to stop one drug. and take double of another one. one day my son they will get it right!
Next doors have gone away, and VT is looking after Ginger Girl who must be suffering from cabin fever by now poor little thing. This is a cat that is used to being put out in the morning and sometimes comes in at night, but with our terrible snow it has been holed up indoors. At least they have left their heating on low so she will be warm.
Neighbours the other side have just come back from Avimore...must be mad..they could have had the snow here! and one of them has come bck to a cold house because their boiler has broken. Christmas Eve..wouldn't you know it. I think they are programmed..I do..
Tonight we are having:
Veggie sausage roklls
Chips...a real treat..200 grms.
Thursday, 23 December 2010
Eve Before Christmas Eve...
VT ventured out this morning using his new travel pass. He went on the train to Southport, which is quite a good place to go actually, since the train drops you off in the middle of the town and there is an entrance to M&S right on the station. So that alleviates the need to park anywhere which is always good at this time of the year. He said it was very busy, but you could get round, and he managed to get everything we wanted, mostly salady stuff. The Holland and Barratt that used to be around the corner has moved..couldn't believe that because it has been there for years. It has gone onto Chapel Street to a bigger storem and he said it was really good. Will have to go after Christmas.
He did go into Wilkinsons to get the cats their new collars. We wrap these and then they have something to open on Christmas Day. They will look very smart this year because we have new round tags for them as well.
We all stayed in while the hunter and gatherer went out foraging for provisions..He came back with two big bags anyway so didn't he do well. I think we have everything now so won't need to go anywhere tomorrow.
our neighbour rang the bell to say they were going away, after all. he has been quite ill recently and they have discovered a cancer of the bladder. they usually go away every year to some friends down south, so we didn't think they would this year. But she said that their son was hurubg a car and driving up to get them and take them down there. What a lovely boy.. going to all that trouble for his Mum and Dad. Anyway they leave their keys with us, and VT looks after their Ginger Girl. She is normally out ALL the time but she said it had been staying in...very wise.
Our two haven't moved from the house at all really, both find nice warm spots and stay there. Not soft are they. At the moment they are both asleep within a foot of each other on the end of Jane's bed. This is quite unusual because they don't normally sleep very near to each other.

Rusty has been using this shelf to perch on very comfortably while the gas heater is on. It is a lovely warm spot for her and she sits for hours just looking out of the window.Presently at a very pretty snow covered back garden.

Doorbell went this morning and by the time I got downstairs the postman was just getting into the van to drive away. I opened the door quickly to find a great big brown box on the doorstep. It was from Amazon...I thought it was my Hotter \boots which I have been waiting for for a couple of weeks now. Why such a big box? It was a Thomas Kinkade calendar I had sent for about a week ago. Huge big box full of brown wrapping/packaging. What a waste. Mind you the cats both loved the empty box!
Tonight we are having:
Cauliflower and broccoli with a small amount of cheese sauce,
Quorn chicken style pie
A few sliced and sauteed potatoes.
He did go into Wilkinsons to get the cats their new collars. We wrap these and then they have something to open on Christmas Day. They will look very smart this year because we have new round tags for them as well.
We all stayed in while the hunter and gatherer went out foraging for provisions..He came back with two big bags anyway so didn't he do well. I think we have everything now so won't need to go anywhere tomorrow.
our neighbour rang the bell to say they were going away, after all. he has been quite ill recently and they have discovered a cancer of the bladder. they usually go away every year to some friends down south, so we didn't think they would this year. But she said that their son was hurubg a car and driving up to get them and take them down there. What a lovely boy.. going to all that trouble for his Mum and Dad. Anyway they leave their keys with us, and VT looks after their Ginger Girl. She is normally out ALL the time but she said it had been staying in...very wise.
Our two haven't moved from the house at all really, both find nice warm spots and stay there. Not soft are they. At the moment they are both asleep within a foot of each other on the end of Jane's bed. This is quite unusual because they don't normally sleep very near to each other.
Rusty has been using this shelf to perch on very comfortably while the gas heater is on. It is a lovely warm spot for her and she sits for hours just looking out of the window.Presently at a very pretty snow covered back garden.
Doorbell went this morning and by the time I got downstairs the postman was just getting into the van to drive away. I opened the door quickly to find a great big brown box on the doorstep. It was from Amazon...I thought it was my Hotter \boots which I have been waiting for for a couple of weeks now. Why such a big box? It was a Thomas Kinkade calendar I had sent for about a week ago. Huge big box full of brown wrapping/packaging. What a waste. Mind you the cats both loved the empty box!
Tonight we are having:
Cauliflower and broccoli with a small amount of cheese sauce,
Quorn chicken style pie
A few sliced and sauteed potatoes.
Wednesday, 22 December 2010
I'm Dreaming of a white Christmas....Not any mor I'm not!!
Up earlyish this morning, I had yet another appointment in Netherton to have ablood test. Since this is a bit away we set off to be on time. However the traffic and the roads conspired against us. The road through Ince Woods which is a by-pass road was absolutely chocker with traffic. We crawled along, for what seemed like an age, and then we noticed some cars turning off at the Jospice so we went that way and it cuts off a corner, which saved us loads of time. The roads are still dreadful, even the main roads aren't too good. Turned into the car park of the Health Centre and I had put some boots on that I had draggeed out from the back of the wardrobe. Forgotten how worn they were!! so I slipped and slid everywhere. I ordered a pair of boots from Hotter a couple of weeks ago. Wish they would hurry up! They will probably come when the weather picks up again.
The girl doing the blood test opened the door to call my name, and the door let out a terrible moan..it was really funny, then again on the way out. Maybe it has seen enough of mne! I apologised for being a bit late, and she said that she was late herself this morning, but had about four cancellations so it didn't matter.
Just had time to come home and had a mouthful of coffee and had to go over to the new surgery for a Diabetic Review. Nice nurse, but didn't do much, but had a look at my feet, and asked me if I had been born with nine toes. No said I it was a skin melanoma, which she said she had never heard of on a toe-nail.
While I was waiting to see her the Dr came out to say that the consultant had rung her about my test yesterday and that I had to have a course of antibiotics. Yet another pill! my list is now nearly as long as my arm, She gave me a script which VT took over to the pharmacy while he was waiting for me..and was given the straightaway. Not bad service eh!
So...that's it for a bit, till the middle of January anyway.
Post when we got back..gas bill £25..I bet the next one will be more. and some more cards. We don't seem to have as many this year, maybe people are thinking about the cost of the stamps more.
Came out of our house this morning to a row of icicles on the eaves of our roof and the bay window. I certainly don't remember that before. Must get VT to take a picture for posterity..or is this going to be the norm now?
Tonight we are having:
A vegetable moussaka with Quorn mince,
^oz of potatoes and a stew pack. Then I do a cheese sauce on the top with two eggs in it to make it rise.
The girl doing the blood test opened the door to call my name, and the door let out a terrible moan..it was really funny, then again on the way out. Maybe it has seen enough of mne! I apologised for being a bit late, and she said that she was late herself this morning, but had about four cancellations so it didn't matter.
Just had time to come home and had a mouthful of coffee and had to go over to the new surgery for a Diabetic Review. Nice nurse, but didn't do much, but had a look at my feet, and asked me if I had been born with nine toes. No said I it was a skin melanoma, which she said she had never heard of on a toe-nail.
While I was waiting to see her the Dr came out to say that the consultant had rung her about my test yesterday and that I had to have a course of antibiotics. Yet another pill! my list is now nearly as long as my arm, She gave me a script which VT took over to the pharmacy while he was waiting for me..and was given the straightaway. Not bad service eh!
So...that's it for a bit, till the middle of January anyway.
Post when we got back..gas bill £25..I bet the next one will be more. and some more cards. We don't seem to have as many this year, maybe people are thinking about the cost of the stamps more.
Came out of our house this morning to a row of icicles on the eaves of our roof and the bay window. I certainly don't remember that before. Must get VT to take a picture for posterity..or is this going to be the norm now?
Tonight we are having:
A vegetable moussaka with Quorn mince,
^oz of potatoes and a stew pack. Then I do a cheese sauce on the top with two eggs in it to make it rise.
Tuesday, 21 December 2010
Well We Got There!
I had an appointment at the Nephrology clinic this morning at 10.40. Bearing in mind that the weather is still atrocious, and that there is very littkle traffic moving actually, I was a bit undecided to go at all. the only trouble is that if you cancel you then have to wait months for the next appointment, so intrepid VT set out to go at about nine thirty. He kept to the main roads, since the roads out of Hightown are pretty bad, but once he got onto the bypass it wasn't too bad.The traffic was slow but steadily moving. He didn't go our usual way which is quite quick, but went via the Motorway and took the Kirkby slip road. That was fine and the road was good. Problem with the car park at the hospital though. he went round and round and couldn't find a space anywhere, so he pulled into one of the disabled spots for a moment and put me on the walkway over to the new elective care centre...very posh name.. God knows what it means. Then he went back to park the car in a proper space, whil;e I waited in the clinic. It seems that the clinic I had to go to was shared with dermatology also so it was quite busy. After I had the bits and pieces done VT was there, he had eventually managed to park the car and had come to find me. Waited for a bit then went in to see the Dr., Apparently the cocktail of drugs that I am on is ok for the moment, but the potassium levels are still a bit high. He suggested a blood test monthly, and my GP will sort out a treatment for an infection. Not another pill!!!!!!!
We left there, and then had to decide where to go for some veggies. VT didn't want to go to Sainsburys in Crosby because he nearly got stuck there last January, so we dicided on Tesco in Formby since it isn't far from the main road. The car park was DREADFUL!!!snow and slippy slush everywhere. We parked miles away from the front so he could get out easily. It was heavibng!!
people and kids everywhere..so we whizzed round and got everything on VT's list. I think we now have all our requirements for our Christmas dinner anyway. Bought a carton of tomato and mascarpone soup Covent Garden for our lunch which was lovely and warming when we got in. Also bought a load of frozen goods like vegetables and potatoes that will put us on if we are stuck. So..although it was TESCAW it was a good shop.
I think VT did really well today..all that way to Fazackerley Hospital, and never a moan..Bless Him..what a star!
Noticed icicles on the front of our house this morning..all along the eaves, and under the window. Don't remember that in a long long time.
Tonight we are having:
Chicken style pie,
Sliced sauteed potatoes
Carrots and peas.
We left there, and then had to decide where to go for some veggies. VT didn't want to go to Sainsburys in Crosby because he nearly got stuck there last January, so we dicided on Tesco in Formby since it isn't far from the main road. The car park was DREADFUL!!!snow and slippy slush everywhere. We parked miles away from the front so he could get out easily. It was heavibng!!
people and kids everywhere..so we whizzed round and got everything on VT's list. I think we now have all our requirements for our Christmas dinner anyway. Bought a carton of tomato and mascarpone soup Covent Garden for our lunch which was lovely and warming when we got in. Also bought a load of frozen goods like vegetables and potatoes that will put us on if we are stuck. So..although it was TESCAW it was a good shop.
I think VT did really well today..all that way to Fazackerley Hospital, and never a moan..Bless Him..what a star!
Noticed icicles on the front of our house this morning..all along the eaves, and under the window. Don't remember that in a long long time.
Tonight we are having:
Chicken style pie,
Sliced sauteed potatoes
Carrots and peas.
Monday, 20 December 2010
Snow and More Snow...
Still the white stuff is sticking around. Very pretty but not a lot moving. VT saw a snow plough going through the village this morning, so maybe that will help a bit. People are tending to walk along the middle of the road at the moment, easier than the pavements I suppose. We didn't go out today like we usually do on a Monday and I stopped in and did a load of ironing, and VT did all the neighbours Christmas cards, and took them out later.
He went out to do bits and pieces to his car, and have a walk around, and bumped into all sorts of people. Some friends had a hospital appointment yesterday, and it cost them £40 for a return trip to Ormskirk!by taxi. Theyoung mum at the end house was trying to get her car going, so he helped her dig it out and get going.
He kept coming back saying it was really freezing, and there is more snow forecast. He was talking to Mike from the Post |Office who he had bumped into yesterday on the railway station. He was going into Liverpool shopping. Well this morning he said he got on the train eventually, then the train stopped and didn't move, so he never went, and came home.
This is a really busy rail line with trains every twenty minutes, and nothing moved yesterday, but some today.
I have an appointment at the renal clinic tomorrow, so we shall have to see what the roads are like in the morning.
Tonight we are having:
Something out of the freezer, We have lots of things in that and some
pootato croquettes
peas and sweetcorn.
Sunday, 19 December 2010
Let it Snow..Let it Snow..Let it Snow...
couple of photos to show the snowfall we have had since Friday night. It came down really quickly, and has stuck properly this time. I was only saying the other day that we didn't get much snow on this coast..wow..
My goodness I haven't seen snow like that in countless years, when it does snow here we generally get a few inches and that is it. Not this time. Nothing was moving yesterday, and there were no trains on the Liverpool Southport line at all, but they are today, and cars are gingerly moving as are the people of the village. The little shop at the end of our road is doing a roaring trade!
Poor little cats don't know what to make of it at all. Bobby is much better today and is really perky again and playing a bit too, so the tooth must have made her better. Rusty went out, and came back in very very quickly at about eighty miles an hour.. don't know what she thought it was at all. Very funny to watch. Did our usual crosswords this afternoon, but have left the big Christmas one for later in the week for a change..no rush to do that.
Opened my Secret Santa this morning too, from my friend on the Delia Smith forum. We do it each year, and it is always a nice surprise.
Tonight we are having
Pizza with our home made base and tomato sauce
Roast vegetables, mozzarella cheese and portobello mushrooms.
Potato and egg salad and potato salad for me and celery and nut for VT.
Friday, 17 December 2010
Christmas Hustle and Bustle..
What a lovely phrase, hustle and bustle is. We went out on our usual Friday trip to get our weekend things, and were really lucky to get parked outside ASDA. Right by the front door, I had thought we would have had to go round for ever,, judging by the traffic entering and leaving. luck was with us today.
We went round and actually got everything on our list, plus and plus..our cupboards are now full. If we have a siege we will be fine. All I have to get next week is fresh vegetables and cream and something for the main course. I was looking for something different but there really isn't much in the vegetarian line, especially if you don't go along the nut roast route. Got an ASDA magazine today with the shopping, and their suggestion is a spinach and ricotta roulade!!!!!! No thanks. What you want is something you can have so that you can have all the nice accompaniments to go with.
Lovely cup of coffee in the car park..in the further regions where people don't park, sitting with the sun blazing in on the car, and nice and warm, and very cheap of course too!
Little Bobby seems ok today we have bought her some kitten food in case her mouth is still sore. The things you do for your cats! Aah but she is a lovely little thing, and such good company.

She did venture out a bit this afternoon, but soon came back in, too cold I think.
Tonight we are having:
Pasties from Waitrose,
Gravy and a few carrots
Rice pudding for a treat.
We went round and actually got everything on our list, plus and plus..our cupboards are now full. If we have a siege we will be fine. All I have to get next week is fresh vegetables and cream and something for the main course. I was looking for something different but there really isn't much in the vegetarian line, especially if you don't go along the nut roast route. Got an ASDA magazine today with the shopping, and their suggestion is a spinach and ricotta roulade!!!!!! No thanks. What you want is something you can have so that you can have all the nice accompaniments to go with.
Lovely cup of coffee in the car park..in the further regions where people don't park, sitting with the sun blazing in on the car, and nice and warm, and very cheap of course too!
Little Bobby seems ok today we have bought her some kitten food in case her mouth is still sore. The things you do for your cats! Aah but she is a lovely little thing, and such good company.
She did venture out a bit this afternoon, but soon came back in, too cold I think.
Tonight we are having:
Pasties from Waitrose,
Gravy and a few carrots
Rice pudding for a treat.
Thursday, 16 December 2010
Ding Dong...
One of those days today... First, the doorbell went, and it was the gas man. Poor man arrived in the middle of a blizzard of snow, which hasn't lasted long fortunately. Then a bit later, and it was the postman with a parcel that wouldn't go through the letterbox. Then a bit later after that the doorbell went again, and it was a man with a large dog, who was looking for someone called Bullens. No-one along here called Bullen, but there is someone called Bullock, so VT dispatched him along to the cottages at the end of the road.
Biggest trauma today was taking little Bobby to the Vets. She had to have her booster injection, and the vet started to examine her, and touched one of her teeth, which really made her screech, which she never does. Poor Bobby had a bad tooth, so he took her off into a back room to remove it, and we had to wait for her in the waiting room. The vet Chris was very tall, and not what you would expect at all..had very long hair tied in a pony tail, and looked more like a rock star.
So poor Bobby has had a real day of it..she miaowed all the way there, and looked very sorry for herself on the way back.

She is now in her basket in the middle room all curled up...healing. So they have both had their boosters, and that is it for the year for them now.
Poor VT, all he does is ferry me and the animals round to appointments. What a saint he is.
Tonight we are having:
Pasta..maybe a sort of mac and cheese,
A few carrots to go with
A little bit of garlic bread.
Biggest trauma today was taking little Bobby to the Vets. She had to have her booster injection, and the vet started to examine her, and touched one of her teeth, which really made her screech, which she never does. Poor Bobby had a bad tooth, so he took her off into a back room to remove it, and we had to wait for her in the waiting room. The vet Chris was very tall, and not what you would expect at all..had very long hair tied in a pony tail, and looked more like a rock star.
So poor Bobby has had a real day of it..she miaowed all the way there, and looked very sorry for herself on the way back.

She is now in her basket in the middle room all curled up...healing. So they have both had their boosters, and that is it for the year for them now.
Poor VT, all he does is ferry me and the animals round to appointments. What a saint he is.
Tonight we are having:
Pasta..maybe a sort of mac and cheese,
A few carrots to go with
A little bit of garlic bread.
Wednesday, 15 December 2010
Lifes Turns ....
Last night we got engrossed in watching a programme on one of the sattelite channels called "True Stories". Basically, it was about a family who were travelling to Las Vegas for work, and to make a better life for themselves. They were a husband, wife and three beautifully mannered and behaved children. They spent the first part of the programme sleeping in their car outside the airport, and travelling round during the day looking for work. The husband found that he was only being offered jobs at $10 or $7 an hour and that wasn't enoug for him. So they carried on sleeping in their van. The wife /mother was amazing..a real tough strong woman, the husband not so..it wasn't long before he turned to drugs and left them. No idea how they turned out, we recorded the end of it to watch later to see what happened to them. It struck us that at no time did they consider a benefit system, it doesn't seem to what they do there. There is a work ethic, and that is it.
Christmas cards are now fluttering on to the doormat, and I haven't yet done mine. No excuse really, just haven't got round to it. The box of cards is now downstairs, and I will make a start tonight probably. We..VT and me were having a conversation about the "Round Robin" type letters that we get from some people in their cards. One in particular, sends us one that we laugh at every year. They always have to have the best of everything, their kids always do better than anyone elses, and their jobs always have to be the top ones. She is a college friend who is now a Head os a school, so the OFSTED inspection has to be Outstandingly excellent. We were saying it makes you depressed because you think that your own life is lacking. of course it isn't, but it seems that way. I think we should be like the family in Las Vegas, and be grateful for what we have.
We went out to get some petrol this morning..gosh that is getting dear! Iremember the days when it cost 3/6pence a gallon!!!! Now I'm feeling older. I think you would just get a drip for that now.
Then we went to Dobbies for our coffee, had a bit of a look round, and the only thing we got was an advent candle for next year, because they were %50 off.. Anything for a bargain us!!
Tonight we are having:
Maybe a sort of Hot-Pot with lamb style gtills, a few potatoes, carrots and a tin of tomatoes.
Steamed and sauteed cabbage to go with it.
Christmas cards are now fluttering on to the doormat, and I haven't yet done mine. No excuse really, just haven't got round to it. The box of cards is now downstairs, and I will make a start tonight probably. We..VT and me were having a conversation about the "Round Robin" type letters that we get from some people in their cards. One in particular, sends us one that we laugh at every year. They always have to have the best of everything, their kids always do better than anyone elses, and their jobs always have to be the top ones. She is a college friend who is now a Head os a school, so the OFSTED inspection has to be Outstandingly excellent. We were saying it makes you depressed because you think that your own life is lacking. of course it isn't, but it seems that way. I think we should be like the family in Las Vegas, and be grateful for what we have.
We went out to get some petrol this morning..gosh that is getting dear! Iremember the days when it cost 3/6pence a gallon!!!! Now I'm feeling older. I think you would just get a drip for that now.
Then we went to Dobbies for our coffee, had a bit of a look round, and the only thing we got was an advent candle for next year, because they were %50 off.. Anything for a bargain us!!
Tonight we are having:
Maybe a sort of Hot-Pot with lamb style gtills, a few potatoes, carrots and a tin of tomatoes.
Steamed and sauteed cabbage to go with it.
Tuesday, 14 December 2010
Doesn't it go Dark Early?
Typing this at about a quarter past four, and it is already going dark, too dark to see outside really. The little cats are dead to the world and both asleep in the middle room where the computer is, all curled up and blissfully unaware of anything going on. The radio and television don't seem to bother them at all, unless Rusty hears whizzy fireworks which do bother her.
We went out to Formby this morning mainly to get some things from Superdrug, and see if the new Holland and Barratt had a Chicken style roast for our main course. It looks like they didn't but it might be in a different box without the tray, another change to a product. I got my make up which was on a 3 for 2 offer, so ended up buying three. I now have enough to last for a few years!!!Went round to M&S mainly because VT had a voucher for £1 and ended up spending a lot more than that..isn't that the way!Waitrose to finish with to get the frozen raspberries for the Christmas pudding. I do a hazelnut Gateaux every year which is a bit of a tradition now, and sometimes raspberries are hard to get hold of round Christmas time.

It is our real treat, naughty but very nice...
VT wanted a small Christmas pudding so we got some of the tiny ones which were on offer in M&S. Amazing how an offer catches your eye. We got one classic, one luxury and one gluten free, on a 3 for 2, so worked out quite reasonable.
Diabetic review tomorrow over at the new surgery good job it is before Christmas eh!!! Also yet another blood test at Netherton to check bicarbonate levels and potassium levels.
Tonight we are having:
A tray of sweet chestnuts and shallot butter from Waitrose (reduced) well they looked nice.
Escalope with cheese and leek,
Little sliced and fry lighted potatoes
We went out to Formby this morning mainly to get some things from Superdrug, and see if the new Holland and Barratt had a Chicken style roast for our main course. It looks like they didn't but it might be in a different box without the tray, another change to a product. I got my make up which was on a 3 for 2 offer, so ended up buying three. I now have enough to last for a few years!!!Went round to M&S mainly because VT had a voucher for £1 and ended up spending a lot more than that..isn't that the way!Waitrose to finish with to get the frozen raspberries for the Christmas pudding. I do a hazelnut Gateaux every year which is a bit of a tradition now, and sometimes raspberries are hard to get hold of round Christmas time.
It is our real treat, naughty but very nice...
VT wanted a small Christmas pudding so we got some of the tiny ones which were on offer in M&S. Amazing how an offer catches your eye. We got one classic, one luxury and one gluten free, on a 3 for 2, so worked out quite reasonable.
Diabetic review tomorrow over at the new surgery good job it is before Christmas eh!!! Also yet another blood test at Netherton to check bicarbonate levels and potassium levels.
Tonight we are having:
A tray of sweet chestnuts and shallot butter from Waitrose (reduced) well they looked nice.
Escalope with cheese and leek,
Little sliced and fry lighted potatoes
Monday, 13 December 2010
Christmas is a Rolling in!!
Two weeks and it will be all over. It seems to have come round so quickly this year. We have all the decorations up, and bits and pieces for the dinner, but haven't really decidid what to have for the main course yet. Being vegetarian, and having been so for around thirty years, the bird thing doesn't concern us. However, we don't go along the nut roast route, and we have had a variety of things over the years, some have worked, some haven't. Last year we had a Quorn lemon and black pepper escalope, which was ok, but not really that special. Might see if we can get a Chicken style roast from Holland and Barratt again this year. We used to have those when Jane was here, because she liked the end bits! and you can have the full dinner with all the trimmings.
Weekend quite normal, not a lot happening here. The weather has eased up a lot, and while it is cold, it isn't frosty or snowy, but apparently the weather forecasters say it will be cold again at the end of the week. I ordered a new pair of boots from Hotter last week..wouldn't you know the weather would clear up!
Maybe we will get another spell of bad weather to wear them in...
Went off to Sainsbury's this morning to get our week stuff, and whizzed round there on the 1/2 hour free parking, surprising how quickly you can get round when you have a time limit.
Tonight we are havving:
Cheesey kievs
Mixed vegetables,
Little baked potatoes
mushroom sauce.
Weekend quite normal, not a lot happening here. The weather has eased up a lot, and while it is cold, it isn't frosty or snowy, but apparently the weather forecasters say it will be cold again at the end of the week. I ordered a new pair of boots from Hotter last week..wouldn't you know the weather would clear up!
Maybe we will get another spell of bad weather to wear them in...
Went off to Sainsbury's this morning to get our week stuff, and whizzed round there on the 1/2 hour free parking, surprising how quickly you can get round when you have a time limit.
Tonight we are havving:
Cheesey kievs
Mixed vegetables,
Little baked potatoes
mushroom sauce.
Friday, 10 December 2010
Up at the crack of....
Dawn...or it seems like it. I can't believe I had years and years of getting up at seven o'clock in the morning to get to school! We had to get up very early this morning because I had yet another fasting blood test at eight. My goodness, we have had more dealings with this new surgery in the last few days than I have had in the last year at the old one! The nice friendly nurse who I saw yesterday for the new patient review, wanted a complete blood work done, and she said she was on holiday next week, so she would squeeze me in at eight this morning. VT came out of his review very pleased..he is good and healthy, and has a good weight and BM so he was well chuffed. Had another phone call later this morning from them over there to say that I needed a weekly blood test done, and to add bicarbonate to the bottom of the form. VT went over to the pharmacist who we now know by name..Ellis and Fleur...and came back with a big bag of medicines, including a new tablet that I now have to take, instead of the double dose of one of Irbesartan, now on one of those. Can you imagine the cost of all this if we lived in the States?
Since we were up so earkly we decided to go over to Ormskirk for our Friday things and have a bit of a mooch around too. VT went one way, and I went to my usual shops. Bought a nice new top from Bon Marche on sale..purple of course!! and some things from Superdrug...never go into Boots any more these days..loike Superdrug much better, more friendly. Struck us yesterday when we went to Birkdale village what a lovely little place that was. Real, proper little interesting shops, staffed by friendly people and interesting things in their windows.
Had coffee at our usual little cafe, and VT had said he had seen some Agatha Raisin books in a Cancer shop around the corner..Bless him..so we then went there to have a look. They had quite a few, most of which I had read, but two that I hadn't, so got those for £1.20 each. Lovely, I like those at bed time, they are good fun to read. Then I noticed a little gifty shop opposite the charity shop, so went in to have a look see. I had spotted a silver NOEL sign in the window, but couldn't see one in the shop. They had PEACE and JOY but it was the NOEL one that caught my eye, so the lady got it out of the window for me..I love things like that, you can put them up year after year, and they always look good.

This is our fireplace, all up, and awaiting |Christmas cards.
We have in the hall, a beautiful hand painted Merry Christmas sign on wood, that we bought in America some years ago, and it always makes me feel Christmassy when that goes up. Then to M&S for our salads, and we were rtunning out of time since we only had two hours parking. So we raced round Morrisons for our weekend things and home just on time.
Jane rang up at lunch time to say she had received a report and they are now offering money for her accident..after such a long time, and countless visits for tests and consultations etc., there does seem to be light at the end of the tunnel in the end. She has exams next week, and has been off work for about a month now, so maybe that will cheer her up a bit.
Tonight we are having:
Fishless fingers,
Mushy peas for VT and green beans for moi
Chips!!! a real treat..but 200grms between us.
A baked tomato.
Since we were up so earkly we decided to go over to Ormskirk for our Friday things and have a bit of a mooch around too. VT went one way, and I went to my usual shops. Bought a nice new top from Bon Marche on sale..purple of course!! and some things from Superdrug...never go into Boots any more these days..loike Superdrug much better, more friendly. Struck us yesterday when we went to Birkdale village what a lovely little place that was. Real, proper little interesting shops, staffed by friendly people and interesting things in their windows.
Had coffee at our usual little cafe, and VT had said he had seen some Agatha Raisin books in a Cancer shop around the corner..Bless him..so we then went there to have a look. They had quite a few, most of which I had read, but two that I hadn't, so got those for £1.20 each. Lovely, I like those at bed time, they are good fun to read. Then I noticed a little gifty shop opposite the charity shop, so went in to have a look see. I had spotted a silver NOEL sign in the window, but couldn't see one in the shop. They had PEACE and JOY but it was the NOEL one that caught my eye, so the lady got it out of the window for me..I love things like that, you can put them up year after year, and they always look good.
This is our fireplace, all up, and awaiting |Christmas cards.
We have in the hall, a beautiful hand painted Merry Christmas sign on wood, that we bought in America some years ago, and it always makes me feel Christmassy when that goes up. Then to M&S for our salads, and we were rtunning out of time since we only had two hours parking. So we raced round Morrisons for our weekend things and home just on time.
Jane rang up at lunch time to say she had received a report and they are now offering money for her accident..after such a long time, and countless visits for tests and consultations etc., there does seem to be light at the end of the tunnel in the end. She has exams next week, and has been off work for about a month now, so maybe that will cheer her up a bit.
Tonight we are having:
Fishless fingers,
Mushy peas for VT and green beans for moi
Chips!!! a real treat..but 200grms between us.
A baked tomato.
Thursday, 9 December 2010
All Gone!!
The snow...all gone. We woke up this morning to a normal world here. No sign of any snow, or frost or anything at all. Amazing really, the change in the weather in a few hours.
VT was downstairs getting our coffees, and the man who delivers the Aranesp injections that I take was over the road. When he knocked he said there had been a problem because the boxes were all wet, one of the ice packs had leaked, so he had to ring his depot to check they were safe to deliver. Then his phone died on him, so VT lent him a phone charger..ever resourseful VT he has everything!
Then a phone call from the pharmacist to check on a prescription, and a phone call from the new GP to say that the Dr, another one was still concerned about the potassium levels and she was going to ring my consultant. We went out then...out of the way!!!!!
Had a lovely trip to Dobbies to get our free coffee,had a look round, and bought a few treats for Christmas, including a jar of pickled walnut chutney for VT, and some of their mint crisps which are lovely.. We aren't greedy pigs, we just have one each night with our late little tiny cup of after dinner coffee. Then we made a little bit of a detour, mainly because we had seen an advert for a little pet shop in Birkdale village, and VT had rung them up to see if they sold pet tags that we like.

We have tried so many pet shops over the years, and the only ones we could find are the cylinder ones, but these ones are far more visible. When little Rusty was lost four years ago, I am sure people say the tag and pecognised her. They have had these tags for donkey's years, so guess what their Christmas present is thisYear!
This afternoon VT and I had our "New Patient" check ups with the practice nurse over the line at the new surgery. She proved to be very nice, did the usual, height, weight, for which we got a print out in glorious black and white, blood pressure, family history, and medical details. I have to have another..yet another blood test..which she said she will do at 8O'Clock tomorrow morning, which was nice of her, and went and got another prescription for me to take. I now officially have a list of tablets as long as your arm!!!!
Then VT went in. He came out looking quite pleased, everything was normal, and his weight and BM were good. Well done VT...
Tonight we are having:
Red onion and cheese plait,
Mashed potato
Carrots and beans.
VT was downstairs getting our coffees, and the man who delivers the Aranesp injections that I take was over the road. When he knocked he said there had been a problem because the boxes were all wet, one of the ice packs had leaked, so he had to ring his depot to check they were safe to deliver. Then his phone died on him, so VT lent him a phone charger..ever resourseful VT he has everything!
Then a phone call from the pharmacist to check on a prescription, and a phone call from the new GP to say that the Dr, another one was still concerned about the potassium levels and she was going to ring my consultant. We went out then...out of the way!!!!!
Had a lovely trip to Dobbies to get our free coffee,had a look round, and bought a few treats for Christmas, including a jar of pickled walnut chutney for VT, and some of their mint crisps which are lovely.. We aren't greedy pigs, we just have one each night with our late little tiny cup of after dinner coffee. Then we made a little bit of a detour, mainly because we had seen an advert for a little pet shop in Birkdale village, and VT had rung them up to see if they sold pet tags that we like.
We have tried so many pet shops over the years, and the only ones we could find are the cylinder ones, but these ones are far more visible. When little Rusty was lost four years ago, I am sure people say the tag and pecognised her. They have had these tags for donkey's years, so guess what their Christmas present is thisYear!
This afternoon VT and I had our "New Patient" check ups with the practice nurse over the line at the new surgery. She proved to be very nice, did the usual, height, weight, for which we got a print out in glorious black and white, blood pressure, family history, and medical details. I have to have another..yet another blood test..which she said she will do at 8O'Clock tomorrow morning, which was nice of her, and went and got another prescription for me to take. I now officially have a list of tablets as long as your arm!!!!
Then VT went in. He came out looking quite pleased, everything was normal, and his weight and BM were good. Well done VT...
Tonight we are having:
Red onion and cheese plait,
Mashed potato
Carrots and beans.
Wednesday, 8 December 2010
Bits and Bobs...
What a lovely phrase that is..it perfectly describes the sort of day we have had today. A lot of to and froing and communication problems.
yesterday I had my first appointment with the new surgery "Over the line". our village is cut in two by the railway, and the posh houses are all over the line. it is the way we have al;ways described them in the village. The surgery isw in what used to be the old grocers shop that was there for ever, until it became a sort of mini market but didn't really catch on. So, now it is a GP's practice.
My appointment was for 10.25, but they rang up to say the Dr had rung up sick..so could I go at 4.25 instead! VT drove me round since it was dark and icy, and I don't do dark, and I met a Dr who didn't introduce himself so I have no idea who he was. VT had given me a list, very clearly printed with all my medications on and ticks beside the ones I needed repeated. He said the blood test showed a lower renal function and a high potassium level. but since I had an appointment at the renal clinic in two weeks to leave that! Then he gave me a script for one of the drugs I am on and he doubled the dose of that!!! which I certainly didn't need. So VT went over and wsorted that out this morning. Then the Pharmacist..who is really excellent by the way, rang up and said they had a script for insulin filled pens!! which I haven't had before, and they had doubled the dose of another drug from 1/2 a tablet once a day to 1/2 a tablet twice a day!!!
what have we got ourselves into I wonder. VT says he will sort them out..and he will. He is like having a private secretary.
He said he knew I wasn't going to be happy when I went in, and I do have to say that I wasn't impressed by the fact that I was seated on a white plastic patio chair!!!! For goodness sake..is this the 21st century or what.
We had planned to go out this morning, but when VT came back with the papers he said it was bitterly cold, so we didn't. at least we can decide what we want to do in that way.
Tonight I am doing something warming:
Toad in the hole with meatfree sausages,
Mushroom gravy
Mixed green vegetables.
yesterday I had my first appointment with the new surgery "Over the line". our village is cut in two by the railway, and the posh houses are all over the line. it is the way we have al;ways described them in the village. The surgery isw in what used to be the old grocers shop that was there for ever, until it became a sort of mini market but didn't really catch on. So, now it is a GP's practice.
My appointment was for 10.25, but they rang up to say the Dr had rung up sick..so could I go at 4.25 instead! VT drove me round since it was dark and icy, and I don't do dark, and I met a Dr who didn't introduce himself so I have no idea who he was. VT had given me a list, very clearly printed with all my medications on and ticks beside the ones I needed repeated. He said the blood test showed a lower renal function and a high potassium level. but since I had an appointment at the renal clinic in two weeks to leave that! Then he gave me a script for one of the drugs I am on and he doubled the dose of that!!! which I certainly didn't need. So VT went over and wsorted that out this morning. Then the Pharmacist..who is really excellent by the way, rang up and said they had a script for insulin filled pens!! which I haven't had before, and they had doubled the dose of another drug from 1/2 a tablet once a day to 1/2 a tablet twice a day!!!
what have we got ourselves into I wonder. VT says he will sort them out..and he will. He is like having a private secretary.
He said he knew I wasn't going to be happy when I went in, and I do have to say that I wasn't impressed by the fact that I was seated on a white plastic patio chair!!!! For goodness sake..is this the 21st century or what.
We had planned to go out this morning, but when VT came back with the papers he said it was bitterly cold, so we didn't. at least we can decide what we want to do in that way.
Tonight I am doing something warming:
Toad in the hole with meatfree sausages,
Mushroom gravy
Mixed green vegetables.
Monday, 6 December 2010
There is a real Christmas feel to the air today. Outside is very white and frosty, like everything is covered with icing sugar. Quite beautiful actually, and very pretty.
VT put aboput three layers of heavy clothing on, and went down to the shed to get the two trees that are stored there. We have three trees, one in the front room to shine through the front window, one in the middle roon for our benefit, and one in the extension to make that look festivce. VT has everything stored away, with lists of what goes where, but they do take ages to get set up, and put together. I have some really pretty decorations on the front room tree which is small but the best tree really. Things like a set of tiny little wooden decorations I got from Liberty in London years ago and paid £3.50 for them which was a fortune in those days!!. We have built up some lovely decorations over the years, ggood ones, like porcelain ones and little pottery ones. So we are looking festive now.
Got a phone call from the new surgery today, to make an appointment to discuss the results of my last blood test.. They are at it now as well!!
Tonight we are having:
Gruyere cheese escalopes,
Little baked potatoes
Mixed vegetables
VT put aboput three layers of heavy clothing on, and went down to the shed to get the two trees that are stored there. We have three trees, one in the front room to shine through the front window, one in the middle roon for our benefit, and one in the extension to make that look festivce. VT has everything stored away, with lists of what goes where, but they do take ages to get set up, and put together. I have some really pretty decorations on the front room tree which is small but the best tree really. Things like a set of tiny little wooden decorations I got from Liberty in London years ago and paid £3.50 for them which was a fortune in those days!!. We have built up some lovely decorations over the years, ggood ones, like porcelain ones and little pottery ones. So we are looking festive now.
Got a phone call from the new surgery today, to make an appointment to discuss the results of my last blood test.. They are at it now as well!!
Tonight we are having:
Gruyere cheese escalopes,
Little baked potatoes
Mixed vegetables
Friday, 3 December 2010
Bitterly Cold..
Wow it is really cold today. The frost lies everywhere, but it seems that we are having it easy compared to other areas of the country, some of which are closed down and knee deep in snowfalls. So we can't complain really.
Little Rusty has taken up almost a permanent place on the shelf over the heater, they know which side their bread is buttered on.
We took my money off to Sainsbury's in Walton this morning. It is a twenty minute trek, but it gives us a bit of variety, and you can park easily. After VT's fiasco last week trying to park inWaitrose, parking is becoming a nightmare round here now, especially in Formby. We did a bit of stocking up today, things like long life milk and coffee etc..,and got a few things for the Christmas box upstairs. I got a lovely little tub of tiny white chocolate stars for the Christmas Hazelnut Meringue cake that I always make on Christmas Day. I was looking for something to decorate it with last year but didn't spot anything, and these will look really pretty I think.
This is our once a year very dcadent treat and well worth it.

One thing about Sainsbury's today was that the chilled foods aisle was absolutely FREEZING.. you needed thermals just to walk up and down them. To add to the cold there were fans overhead which were blasting out cold air too, no wonder you don't linger.
Our first posted Christmas card arrived today, the same one who always sends them before anyone else. it is a little nudge to get ours done soon. The christmas songs were playing in the shops too, and the tree on the village green lit yesterday. We need to put our decorations up soon
, I love doing that, iit makes the house look lovely.
Tonight we are having:
Cheese and onion pasties (Cornish Style) from Waitrose,
Rice pudding.
Little Rusty has taken up almost a permanent place on the shelf over the heater, they know which side their bread is buttered on.
We took my money off to Sainsbury's in Walton this morning. It is a twenty minute trek, but it gives us a bit of variety, and you can park easily. After VT's fiasco last week trying to park inWaitrose, parking is becoming a nightmare round here now, especially in Formby. We did a bit of stocking up today, things like long life milk and coffee etc..,and got a few things for the Christmas box upstairs. I got a lovely little tub of tiny white chocolate stars for the Christmas Hazelnut Meringue cake that I always make on Christmas Day. I was looking for something to decorate it with last year but didn't spot anything, and these will look really pretty I think.
This is our once a year very dcadent treat and well worth it.
One thing about Sainsbury's today was that the chilled foods aisle was absolutely FREEZING.. you needed thermals just to walk up and down them. To add to the cold there were fans overhead which were blasting out cold air too, no wonder you don't linger.
Our first posted Christmas card arrived today, the same one who always sends them before anyone else. it is a little nudge to get ours done soon. The christmas songs were playing in the shops too, and the tree on the village green lit yesterday. We need to put our decorations up soon
, I love doing that, iit makes the house look lovely.
Tonight we are having:
Cheese and onion pasties (Cornish Style) from Waitrose,
Rice pudding.
Thursday, 2 December 2010
Good Job We looked!!
When we got up this morning to yet another day of cold and frost, I asked VT to check the calendar to see what time my appointment was. I had it firmly in my mind that it was one o'clock. It turns out it was twelve o'clock, so it was a good job he looked, and a very good job we put all the appointments on the calendar too.
We got to the Netherton clinic at about a quarter to twelve, waited about five minutes and went straight in for my blood test. I have no idea why there is a two/three week waiting list to get an appointment they weren't exactly heaving, and there was only one woman waiting after me. I left VT talking to her, and he said he has a nice conversatuion about our cat.. where you ring up , are asked what time would you like! get the blood test done, and the results the next morning with a personal call from the vet!!
I have now changed the surgeries so God knows where the results will end up, or what they will make of them. It is supposed to check the potassium levels which were too high!
This afternoon, I was coming up to use the computer, and VT followed me up the stairs..then he said "Go into the bedroom", and lo and behold through the window opposite our house there has suddenly appeared " Santa's grotto" it's a big trailer thingy all draped with a sort of white fabric to look like snow I thing. They are switching the lights on the village green Christmas tree tonight, to be done by a local celebrity Billy Butler who is quite well known on local radio. I hope they don't get too cold, and Santa has his thermals on. Well they haven't had a grotto before, that's a first.
We had to nip into Sainsbury's this morning to get the cats their chicken. This started out as a treat one day, years ago. We spotted some reduced chicken breasts in ASDA and bought them, and that was it! Every day the two little furries gather in the kitchen at one thirty for their daily dose of chicken breast cut up very small. If we run out we feel guilty!! i ask you..talk about getting us trained, and it costs a fortune too, especially if it comes from Waitrose!!!

Poor little Buddah, sitting in the snow..he has a cap of frosty snow on his head, he needs a little wooly haat!
Tonight we are having:
Pasta with a pea and asparagus sauce,
mushrooms and butternut squash and asparagus,
A bit of garlic bread.
We got to the Netherton clinic at about a quarter to twelve, waited about five minutes and went straight in for my blood test. I have no idea why there is a two/three week waiting list to get an appointment they weren't exactly heaving, and there was only one woman waiting after me. I left VT talking to her, and he said he has a nice conversatuion about our cat.. where you ring up , are asked what time would you like! get the blood test done, and the results the next morning with a personal call from the vet!!
I have now changed the surgeries so God knows where the results will end up, or what they will make of them. It is supposed to check the potassium levels which were too high!
This afternoon, I was coming up to use the computer, and VT followed me up the stairs..then he said "Go into the bedroom", and lo and behold through the window opposite our house there has suddenly appeared " Santa's grotto" it's a big trailer thingy all draped with a sort of white fabric to look like snow I thing. They are switching the lights on the village green Christmas tree tonight, to be done by a local celebrity Billy Butler who is quite well known on local radio. I hope they don't get too cold, and Santa has his thermals on. Well they haven't had a grotto before, that's a first.
We had to nip into Sainsbury's this morning to get the cats their chicken. This started out as a treat one day, years ago. We spotted some reduced chicken breasts in ASDA and bought them, and that was it! Every day the two little furries gather in the kitchen at one thirty for their daily dose of chicken breast cut up very small. If we run out we feel guilty!! i ask you..talk about getting us trained, and it costs a fortune too, especially if it comes from Waitrose!!!
Poor little Buddah, sitting in the snow..he has a cap of frosty snow on his head, he needs a little wooly haat!
Tonight we are having:
Pasta with a pea and asparagus sauce,
mushrooms and butternut squash and asparagus,
A bit of garlic bread.
Wednesday, 1 December 2010
Hares and Rabbits...
Hasn't december come around quickly? can't believe it is the Christmas Month already.
Still very frosty and bitterly cold, although we do seem to have had it easy compared to some areas of the country.

This is our little Rusty, who definitely has the best spot in the house!! She is sitting on a shelf that VT put up to protect the cats from the gas heater that is on the wall below our dining room/extension window.She spent hours on here this morning just looking outside. i thought it was such a lovely picture, VT took it on the spur of the moment.
I started the day with a pile of the weekend ironing which has been looking at me for days, and since we weren't going anywhere today I did that. VT did a bit of clearing, he finally moved his 60th birthday card! they have been on the mantlepiece for weeks. AAh.
I had a dental appointment at 3 O'Clock not exactly a long way, they are only two doors down, and he redid my filling and i was back within ten minutes. £16.50 for that.
Coal delivery this afternoon too, 6 bags of a smokeless fuel which is proving to be very good, gives out a gorgeous glow and makes the fire look like a gas one!! The bunker is absolutely full now VT says, so we are stocked up if we do get really bad weather. At least VT doesn't have to go out in his car to garages in search of bags of fuel like he did last year.
A year ago last July 18th VT bought me an orchid for my birthday, from Waitrose. It was instead of a bunch of flowers, and the flower lasted for weeks and weeks before they died down. I got onto a website I use, and some of the girls on there suggested that it be repotted, and kept sprayed and watered and it would flower again. I didn't really believe them, but VT has nurtured it with tender loving care, and guess what! it has flowered!
Over the last few days little buds have appeared, and this morning there is a full bloom! Well done VT. I was expecting it to flower last July a year after the last blossoming but it has decided to wait till the First of December!! poor little orchid. it is jus6t beautiful.

There isn't it lovely...
Tonight we are going to have:
A hot pot..done with a stew pack, and some Quorn lamb grills.
That should warm the kitchen up!! and us!!
Still very frosty and bitterly cold, although we do seem to have had it easy compared to some areas of the country.
This is our little Rusty, who definitely has the best spot in the house!! She is sitting on a shelf that VT put up to protect the cats from the gas heater that is on the wall below our dining room/extension window.She spent hours on here this morning just looking outside. i thought it was such a lovely picture, VT took it on the spur of the moment.
I started the day with a pile of the weekend ironing which has been looking at me for days, and since we weren't going anywhere today I did that. VT did a bit of clearing, he finally moved his 60th birthday card! they have been on the mantlepiece for weeks. AAh.
I had a dental appointment at 3 O'Clock not exactly a long way, they are only two doors down, and he redid my filling and i was back within ten minutes. £16.50 for that.
Coal delivery this afternoon too, 6 bags of a smokeless fuel which is proving to be very good, gives out a gorgeous glow and makes the fire look like a gas one!! The bunker is absolutely full now VT says, so we are stocked up if we do get really bad weather. At least VT doesn't have to go out in his car to garages in search of bags of fuel like he did last year.
A year ago last July 18th VT bought me an orchid for my birthday, from Waitrose. It was instead of a bunch of flowers, and the flower lasted for weeks and weeks before they died down. I got onto a website I use, and some of the girls on there suggested that it be repotted, and kept sprayed and watered and it would flower again. I didn't really believe them, but VT has nurtured it with tender loving care, and guess what! it has flowered!
Over the last few days little buds have appeared, and this morning there is a full bloom! Well done VT. I was expecting it to flower last July a year after the last blossoming but it has decided to wait till the First of December!! poor little orchid. it is jus6t beautiful.
There isn't it lovely...
Tonight we are going to have:
A hot pot..done with a stew pack, and some Quorn lamb grills.
That should warm the kitchen up!! and us!!
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