We woke up yesterday morning to find that the snow was thawing quite rapidly. it was d5ripping down from the roofs and bushes and the back garden was showing signs of the pats etc., The pavements are still a bit slippy because of the icy chunks and people are still walking in the middle of the road for preference because that is clear. Trouble is, everywhere looks dirty and brown and drab now and it looks awful. The snow does make everywhere look so pretty. At least I can see my Buddah in the garden now with his lovely smiling face, he has been totally covered in snow for about nine days now.
VT has been looking after the little ginger girl cat next door since Christmas Eve, and she has not moved from the house at all. he said she won't come down but was eating ok. She has been sitting on their bedroom windowsill..must be warm up there.
Christmas and Boxing days were quiet as usual in our house, We had a nice Christmas dinner of a Chicken style roast with all of the trimmi ngs, and my Hazelnut gateau in lieu of a Christmas pudding.
Boxing day we had a Dr Ottker pizza with our salads followed by another slice of gateau. Will put pictures up when VT loads them onto the site. There are some lovely ones of the cats with their presents, a new collar each and a new tag. Bobby was very interested in the wrapping paper...just l;ike children!! I think VT liked his earphones...but it is difficult to tell with him.
We decidid to go out this morning over to the garden centre in Ince. The added attraction was the free December coffee, and I wanted to have a look at the Christmas things suspecting they were on sale. They were everything half price, so I got some beautiful boxed cards , then we had our coffee. Vt wanted another look for candles so we had another browse later. he got a lovely large Colony candle, Mulberry and clove which smells really nice, and I saw some dangly Christmas ornaments that will be great for next year's parcels. Really pleased with them.
VT had gone next door ear;ier when he went for the papers, and he said as soon as he opened the door the little ginger girl ran out. This is the first time she has been out since the went away. However, when we were going out he saw her in the other side's garden, and it came running to him, so he went and opened the door and it ran in. Had enough I think..smart animal that one.
Tonight we are having:
A nice normal tea...
Toad in the hole with quorn cumberland sausages,
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