Little Rusty has taken up almost a permanent place on the shelf over the heater, they know which side their bread is buttered on.
We took my money off to Sainsbury's in Walton this morning. It is a twenty minute trek, but it gives us a bit of variety, and you can park easily. After VT's fiasco last week trying to park inWaitrose, parking is becoming a nightmare round here now, especially in Formby. We did a bit of stocking up today, things like long life milk and coffee etc..,and got a few things for the Christmas box upstairs. I got a lovely little tub of tiny white chocolate stars for the Christmas Hazelnut Meringue cake that I always make on Christmas Day. I was looking for something to decorate it with last year but didn't spot anything, and these will look really pretty I think.
This is our once a year very dcadent treat and well worth it.
One thing about Sainsbury's today was that the chilled foods aisle was absolutely FREEZING.. you needed thermals just to walk up and down them. To add to the cold there were fans overhead which were blasting out cold air too, no wonder you don't linger.
Our first posted Christmas card arrived today, the same one who always sends them before anyone else. it is a little nudge to get ours done soon. The christmas songs were playing in the shops too, and the tree on the village green lit yesterday. We need to put our decorations up soon
, I love doing that, iit makes the house look lovely.
Tonight we are having:
Cheese and onion pasties (Cornish Style) from Waitrose,
Rice pudding.
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