Still the white stuff is sticking around. Very pretty but not a lot moving. VT saw a snow plough going through the village this morning, so maybe that will help a bit. People are tending to walk along the middle of the road at the moment, easier than the pavements I suppose. We didn't go out today like we usually do on a Monday and I stopped in and did a load of ironing, and VT did all the neighbours Christmas cards, and took them out later.
He went out to do bits and pieces to his car, and have a walk around, and bumped into all sorts of people. Some friends had a hospital appointment yesterday, and it cost them £40 for a return trip to Ormskirk!by taxi. Theyoung mum at the end house was trying to get her car going, so he helped her dig it out and get going.
He kept coming back saying it was really freezing, and there is more snow forecast. He was talking to Mike from the Post |Office who he had bumped into yesterday on the railway station. He was going into Liverpool shopping. Well this morning he said he got on the train eventually, then the train stopped and didn't move, so he never went, and came home.
This is a really busy rail line with trains every twenty minutes, and nothing moved yesterday, but some today.
I have an appointment at the renal clinic tomorrow, so we shall have to see what the roads are like in the morning.
Tonight we are having:
Something out of the freezer, We have lots of things in that and some
pootato croquettes
peas and sweetcorn.
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