Tuesday, 21 December 2010

Well We Got There!

I had an appointment at the Nephrology clinic this morning at 10.40. Bearing in mind that the weather is still atrocious, and that there is very littkle traffic moving actually, I was a bit undecided to go at all. the only trouble is that if you cancel you then have to wait months for the next appointment, so intrepid VT set out to go at about nine thirty. He kept to the main roads, since the roads out of Hightown are pretty bad, but once he got onto the bypass it wasn't too bad.The traffic was slow but steadily moving. He didn't go our usual way which is quite quick, but went via the Motorway and took the Kirkby slip road. That was fine and the road was good. Problem with the car park at the hospital though. he went round and round and couldn't find a space anywhere, so he pulled into one of the disabled spots for a moment and put me on the walkway over to the new elective care centre...very posh name.. God knows what it means. Then he went back to park the car in a proper space, whil;e I waited in the clinic. It seems that the clinic I had to go to was shared with dermatology also so it was quite busy. After I had the bits and pieces done VT was there, he had eventually managed to park the car and had come to find me. Waited for a bit then went in to see the Dr., Apparently the cocktail of drugs that I am on is ok for the moment, but the potassium levels are still a bit high. He suggested a blood test monthly, and my GP will sort out a treatment for an infection. Not another pill!!!!!!!
We left there, and then had to decide where to go for some veggies. VT didn't want to go to Sainsburys in Crosby because he nearly got stuck there last January, so we dicided on Tesco in Formby since it isn't far from the main road. The car park was DREADFUL!!!snow and slippy slush everywhere. We parked miles away from the front so he could get out easily. It was heavibng!!
people and kids everywhere..so we whizzed round and got everything on VT's list. I think we now have all our requirements for our Christmas dinner anyway. Bought a carton of tomato and mascarpone soup Covent Garden for our lunch which was lovely and warming when we got in. Also bought a load of frozen goods like vegetables and potatoes that will put us on if we are stuck. So..although it was TESCAW it was a good shop.
I think VT did really well today..all that way to Fazackerley Hospital, and never a moan..Bless Him..what a star!
Noticed icicles on the front of our house this morning..all along the eaves, and under the window. Don't remember that in a long long time.
Tonight we are having:
Chicken style pie,
Sliced sauteed potatoes
Carrots and peas.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

what a day you've had!! I went and did some shopping in our local ASDA yesterday - my word people everywhere!! at least this time the tills and the credit card machine were working :)
Off to my father-in-law's tomorrow and meeting up with Nigel's brother and sister to swap presents.. well you take care, love Judyx