Still very frosty and bitterly cold, although we do seem to have had it easy compared to some areas of the country.
This is our little Rusty, who definitely has the best spot in the house!! She is sitting on a shelf that VT put up to protect the cats from the gas heater that is on the wall below our dining room/extension window.She spent hours on here this morning just looking outside. i thought it was such a lovely picture, VT took it on the spur of the moment.
I started the day with a pile of the weekend ironing which has been looking at me for days, and since we weren't going anywhere today I did that. VT did a bit of clearing, he finally moved his 60th birthday card! they have been on the mantlepiece for weeks. AAh.
I had a dental appointment at 3 O'Clock not exactly a long way, they are only two doors down, and he redid my filling and i was back within ten minutes. £16.50 for that.
Coal delivery this afternoon too, 6 bags of a smokeless fuel which is proving to be very good, gives out a gorgeous glow and makes the fire look like a gas one!! The bunker is absolutely full now VT says, so we are stocked up if we do get really bad weather. At least VT doesn't have to go out in his car to garages in search of bags of fuel like he did last year.
A year ago last July 18th VT bought me an orchid for my birthday, from Waitrose. It was instead of a bunch of flowers, and the flower lasted for weeks and weeks before they died down. I got onto a website I use, and some of the girls on there suggested that it be repotted, and kept sprayed and watered and it would flower again. I didn't really believe them, but VT has nurtured it with tender loving care, and guess what! it has flowered!
Over the last few days little buds have appeared, and this morning there is a full bloom! Well done VT. I was expecting it to flower last July a year after the last blossoming but it has decided to wait till the First of December!! poor little orchid. it is jus6t beautiful.
There isn't it lovely...
Tonight we are going to have:
A hot pot..done with a stew pack, and some Quorn lamb grills.
That should warm the kitchen up!! and us!!
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