Sorted out my dressing table this morning, got rid of some rubbish, and threw outsome things that just haven't moved for light years. Also, one bottle of perfume that I just haven't taken to..never mind. Put it down to experience. I got my delivery of Origins ginger essence the other day, ordered online, haven't ordered from them before, and was very impressed with their website, and, free P&P and quick delivery. They arrived in three days. Excellent.I buy quite a lot online these days, mostly I am a QVC girl, they are terrific, and I have bought some super things from them.Very easy firm to deal with too.
VT did a lot of his filing this morning, all his papers. Had a mutter about the interest offered to savers, which these days is total rubbish. It really doesn't pay you to save these days, somethimes I think you might as well go out and spend your money and enjoy it.
Very gusty this morning although it has gone off a bit now. It even blew my poor little buddah over, so it must have been quite bad last night.
I love my little Buddah, he is always there in the garden smiling away, no matter what the weather. I got him when I retired from teaching, and he is a nice reminder of my friends in the staffroom. He is supposed to bring good luck, but not too sure of that. Maybe he is working on it.
Tonight we are having:
Not exactly sure. Probably something from the freezer and the remaining veggies that I have. I shall see when I go down and put it onto tomorrows entry.