Saturday, 2 July 2011

Moving On...

Not us but our neighbour who has moved house today. The removal firm was here quite early this morning about half past eight, David halsall and Son and Daughter..isn't that nice! They seemed to pack up quite quickly and were all gone by about elevenish.
She came wwith the paperwork for Ginger Girl who surprise surprise turns out to be a ginger BOY..we got that wrong. i would have sworn it was a girl, and here's me saying hello pretty every time I saw it!!
Vin rang the Animal rescue where it came from this morning and they said they would ring back which they did in the afternoon. They said there was no problem since it had come from there originally and we had the adoption paperwork. Seems a terrible shame butat least it will stand a chance of being rehomed. Vin and I will really miss is always in our garden, in fact it is there now, and he has looked after it a lot especially at Christmas when they were away, and for nine weeks last christmas when her husband was so ill when on holiday down south.
What a time that poor woman has had, I hope she gets a bit of rest and peace on her new journey in life.
She was too upset to deal with the cat, so Vin will take it to them on Monday, for the next few days it is ok outside the front, it is used to being out so it isn't a hardship.
Ladies singles finals this afternoon, a bit of an anticlimax I thought, everyone was expecting Sharapova to win, but she lost in straight sets to petra kvitova, a relatively unknown player so far. Wonder if Nadal will win tomorrow? Hope so.
Tonight we are having:
green Thai curry with quorn pieces and mushrooms
1/2 a packet of rice
Stir fry vegetables.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

oh dear I hope you're neighbour finds happiness again - what a turmoil for you all and poor ginger cat. I'm sure he/she will soon find a new home.

Thank you for your kind comment on my new blog, much appreciated. I have never been able to keep a diary so I envy Vin that he has been able to do that - but here goes.

Take care, Judyx