Anyway, some men were there this morning putting the tent up, just as the Heavens opened. Typical.I hope it's nice for them on Saturday though.
Vin still expects to see the little ginger cat when he fgoes down for the paper and at night when he posts his letters. i suppose it will take a long time before you get used to that. It followed him down and back again, lovely to watch. Oh i do hope he is happy with his new owner. Maybe he will have a new name now, next doors used to call it "Cat" which is a bit impersonal I think, but there must have been a reason.
Our two are quite tired today for some reason, sleeping a lot, although Bobby did go out, then straight into the hut for shelter when it rained.
Queen of all she surveys...
Tonight we are having:
Cheesey kiev
Little baked roasted potatoes with a crispy coating
carrots and beans
Bread sauce to go with.
1 comment:
free concert - that sounds fun :)) I told Nigel that I would like to go to listen to a concert at The Royal Festival Hall in London next year for my 50th birthday, well that's the latest thing I want to do it will have changed again by next year!!
Love the photo of your cats - they are delightful.. Judyx
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