Then he decided to use his ladders and have a look at the outside bay window which he has been meaning to do for a while now. Lo and behold he finds that the wooden piece under the flat roof of the bay window is a bit rotten at one end. So, he contemplates whether to use a wood filler kit or replace the whole strip. In the end the decision was made to get a new strip, so off he went to get that after lunch. It is a man thing this do-it-yourself. He tootled off to Saisbury's Homebase but their wood was quite dear, so he went to Terry's Timber just up the road in Formby and got it there, and the man cuts it up to your measurement and it was half the price. Well Done Vin 10/10 today.
Our little house with the bay window at the front. Only small but we love it.
Just said on the news that the space shuttle has landed bringing to the end the thirty year space programme. Gosh, seems ages since a man walked on the moon. It was such a wonderful thing at the time, a man actually walking on the moon! R I P the fourteen people who lost their lives on space missions.
Tonight we are having@
Pasta with a tomato and mascarpone sauce,
Green vegetable mixture and a little bit of garllic bread.
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