Monday 6 August 2007

Still Waiting...

VT is awaiting his plaster drying, it is still a bit damp looking, but it's a nice dry day today so shouldn't be long. he has rehung the pictures on the walls in the middle room, and the difference that the cream walls have made is amazing. The pictures look so much brighter somehow, and fresher, and look great against the soft cream background. We have put most of them back, just ditched a couple that were dated.
Tesco for shopping this morning. Very restrained too, mostly veggies for the next couple of days, and a few bargain reduced ones I will fit into a meal.
We seem to have stuck weight wise this week so far, the weekends being our higher calorie times. Working on lowering the calorie intake over the next few days so that by Wednesday we will hopefully have gone down a bit again.
We had a sandwich for lunch with the new improved bread, and tonight we are having:
Leftover Pizza, from last night's tea,
Salad, I bought an egg and potato salad and we will have an avocado with that + the rest of the cartons of salads left.
2 meals out of one Pizza..not bad eh!

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