Saturday 15 March 2008

Who's Boring?

Probably us. Mind you I think this retirement lark is great. We do exactly what we want. Apart from Hospital Appointments our time is our own so we come and go as we want to. Who wouldn't like to turn over in bed on a rainy Monday morning? Plus the money situation is great, not having to spend money to get to work etc. Not much in the news at the papers are not up to much today. Mostly about the child who was found and the families. The websites are very quiet too, people doing things at the weekend I suppose. The thing is when you are retired the weekends aren't the same, you don't need them you see. Every day is a weekend!........Tonight we are having: Chinese..Spring Rolls, Sauce of some sort, Stir fry vegetables, 4oz Egg Fried Rice. The usual really, but we like that. So What!!

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