Monday, 25 May 2009

Bank Holiday Monday..

Again! Two in May.
This one started out well and VT sat outside this morning then after lunch it deteriorated a bit. The sky started looking dull and he said there was a feel of rain in the air. He sat out for a little while then came in for a jumper saying he was frozen! I could have told him that. Pity all the people who have set out for a day out on the beaches.
The little cats are enjoying it outside though..but they do have furry coats to keep them warm!
We didn't go out anywhere today so will have to rely on what we have in the freezer for veggies. We normally do go somewhere for our vegetables on a Monday so that is a change for us.
VT did his Big Monday crossword this morning and completed quite a lot of it but came up to get the internet ones later, and little Bobby has just come up to settle on the cushion on the stool by the computer.
Haven't heard from Jane for a while, wonder what she is doing, last time she rang she wanted a loan so we organised that and she hasn't rung up much since. Probably busy.
Tonight we are having:
Potato Croquettes,
Garlic chicken kievs or a Quorn escallope,
Veggies from the freezer. possibly peas and soya beans.

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