Sunday, 17 May 2009

Sunday Cooks..

Started the day, after our coffee with a making a good loaf of bread. used a packet mix for a change, and added some oats to the mix. Turned out a beautiful loaf with brown crust and speckled bits of oats in it. Then made the pizza douggh after lunch and took our tomato sauce out of the freezer. Mental note here to make another batch since we have run out now. Did the roasted vegetables and that was it for the day.
Crosswords were not too taxing today, did mine fairly quickly and VT did his before me too. The big MOS one we did most of then finished it up on the computer.
Weather very changeable today, sunny spells then showers. Next door have had washing out on the line twice now brought it in and put it out again. Thuink they have given up now and kept it in..anyway it looks like rain again.
Tonight we are having:
Pizza with our tomato sauce,
Roast vegetables,
Salad with baby pomodoro tomatoes, cucumber and avocado, topped with pine nuts toasted.
Potato salad and coronation rice salad for VT.

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