Saturday, 16 May 2009

Letter from Oz..

Early post from Australia this morning. A really interesting letter from Joh and Ann with news of their very interesting life in Australia. Ann's letters are like little novellas with snippets of what they are doing and what the family there are up to. They have four children there, three girls and one boy. the oldest is 48 and the youngest the boy is 42, and they all have children of their own too so a big family over there.
Quiet life here compared to them, very quiet today. Nothing much going on outside either, the dentist is closed at the weekend so the traffic is almost non existant.
Papers are still full of the MP's expenses claims, and I think that they have all been surprised at how annoyed the British public have been over all of this.
Tonight we are having:
Chinese..Spring Rolls,
Stir fry vegetables,
Chinese sauce of some sort,
4oz egg fried rice, done with fry light and very healthy.

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