Saturday, 9 May 2009

Wash Day...

Got up this morning and we stripped the bedding and left Bobby sitting in the middle of the quilt. Poor little cat..she comes up to see us and we disturb her slumbers. Shame!.
The weather looked very dodgy so we he didn't peg it on the line and left it in the drier. It is now actually quite sunny, so probably would have dried somewhat. Next door has theirs out, blowing on the line as I type and the sun is shining. VT the hardy one is sitting in the garden with his Redbush tea!
He went to Maghull this morning to get a few things, and rang up to say that the Somerfield is going to be a Morrisons!. That was a surprise since I expected it to be a Co-op. They have bought them out. But it must have been soold off to Morrisons. I love Morrisons and was sorry when the one in Formby went..missed them. we have to go over to Ormskirk now to the nearest one.
Tonight we are having:
Don't really know!
I have a Thai stir fry so something with that.
Thai green curry maybe or quorn syle chicken style dippers with the stir fry and a bit of riuce.
I think it is a make it up as you go along night!

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