Saturday, 2 May 2009

Bank holiday weekend

And the sun is shining!!! Not raining at all. We sat out in the garden this afternoon after lunch for a while and it was sunny but not actually that warm. The little cats joined us in the garden and Bobby was having a lovely time sunbathing. She is a real little sun baby that one.
Not much in the papers today, apart from articles on poor Gordon Brown time they left him alone. The media blame him for everything that happens whether it is his fault or not. never had a chance really.
Would David Cameron do any better? I think not, but we shall see after the next election probably.
VT went off for his little mooch today. Came back with cat food and vine tomatoes for me from Somerfield. That is closinmg down next week but we don't have nay idea what it is going to be. Maybe a Co-operative society since they have bought them out. At least it can't be another Home and Bargain store. There are two of those already.
Tonight we are having:
Spring Rolls,
Egg fried rice 4oz between us,
Stir Fried vegetables
Honey and cashew sauce

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