Sunday, 24 May 2009

Sunday Sunshine..

Nice weather today for a change. The sun is shining and it is actually nice enough to sit out in the garden. So VT has taken his cup of tea and done just that.
Started the day with the usual bread making. I made a lovely Sourdough loaf, at least it ended up as a lovely loaf. I thought that there wasn't much flour in the machine, and asked VT how much he had put in. He said three cups.. like you said beginning to get cross. It turns out that he has put three 1/2 cups in instead of three full cup measures. No wonder the mix was looking like porridge!!!
Put straight it eventually made a really nice loaf. We also did the Pizza dough and the roast vegetables, so a busy Sunday as usual.
Didn't do the blog yesterday because I forgot it in the end. We did all the bedding yesterday, and had a Delia Curry for tea. her egg madras and spinach one which was really tasty. We used the Weightwatchers sauce which was delicious actually and would buy that again.
At the time of typing the bread is cooking in the oven and smells fantastic. No wonder that people are supposed to have bread smells going when selling a house!
Tonight we are having:
Pizza with fresh pineapple. vegie sausage and roast vegetables,
Pizza sauce (not ours today we have run out)
Salad with cucumber baby yellow plum tomatoes and avocado pear,
Potato salad and rice salad for VT.

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