Made our usual Sourdough bread this morning, but with wholemeal flour instead of white. VT thopught we didn't have any white but he found some , it has fallen down in the cupboard.
This is the starter I use. it is a Red Sea starter that I got a few years ago from my friends in Recipezaar. Works very well each time. You start it overnight, feed it with a cup of flour and a cup of bottled water, then leave it. the next morning it is bubbly and ready to use.
Wimbledon men's final this afternoon, and a very good match it is too. Roger Federer and Andy Roddick. Two sets all at the time of typing, and a really well matched pair. Could go either way.
The crosswords were fairly tricky, but5 we got them finished by 5-15, so not too bad.VT did his quite quickly, but I got one wrong which threw it out. I had put transcript instead of transcribe, which meant I didn't get the beatles track Get Back. Soon put it right though.
Then did the roast vegetables, then the pizza dough.
The cats seem very tired today, and didn't come down for their chicky which they have at lunchtime. Must be the weather tiring them out.
Tonight we are having:
Pizza with our tomato sauce,
Salad with avocado and cucumber and baby plum tomatoes,
potato salad and deli style coleslaw, Rice salad for VT.
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